Tecomanthe speciosa, commonly known as the Three Kings Vine, is a NZ native climber grown for its foliage and flowers. It features large and glossy, green leaves which become adorned with large clusters of cream-coloured, tubular flowers in autumn. It will grow to 10 m tall but is often contained with trimming. Tecomanthe speciosa makes an excellent addition to a subtropical garden and is well suited to growing on pillars, pergolas, and arches. With appropriate support it can also be used for hedging.
From $37.18
Pyrostegia venusta, commonly known as Flame Vine or Golden Shower Vine, is an amazing climber that produces masses of bright and unusual flowers. It carries mid green leaves which literally disappear during winter and spring behind a shroud of bright orange flowers. The showy flowers are showy and literally transform the plant. It is fast growing and will reach 10 m if it has something to climb and left untrimmed. Pyrostegia venusta is commonly included in tropical or cottage gardens, planted for winter colour, used to cover a fence or other support structure, or allowed to cascade over a wall.
From $37.18
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