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Weeping Evergreen Trees For Small Gardens

Sophora longicarinata

Sophora longicarinata is a small and graceful variety of Kowhai. It features fine and dainty, green foliage that is held with a weeping habit. Masses of yellow, bell-shaped flowers are produced through spring as it grows to 5 m tall and 3 m wide. Sophora longicarinata is commonly grown as a specimen, added to a mixed planting, planted to attract birds, or included in a native planting.

Suited to regions: Subtropical, Temperate
Plant type: Trees
Height: 5.00 m
Spread: 3.00 m
Flowering time: Spring
Tolerances: Hardy
Garden uses: Living areas, Parks, Ponds, Screening, Specimen
Garden styles: Backyard, City & Courtyard, Frontyard, Japanese, Modern, Native

Acacia howittii

5 from 1 customers

Acacia howittii, commonly known as the Sticky Wattle tree, is a fast-growing, small tree that is grown for its weeping growth habit. The branches hang from a central trunk and host small, green leaves as well as fragrant, yellow flowers in summer. This evergreen grows to about 2.5 m tall and 80 cm wide with a columnar habit. Acacia howittii makes for an impressive specimen and is often planted as a feature tree in a mixed planting.

Suited to regions: All regions
Plant type: Trees
Height: 2.50 m
Spread: 80 cm
Flowering time: Summer
Tolerances: Coastal, Extended dry periods, Hardy
Garden uses: Containers, Living areas, Parks, Patios, Ponds, Pool areas, Screening, Specimen
Garden styles: Alpine, Architectural, Backyard, City & Courtyard, Coastal, Frontyard, Japanese, Modern

Ficus Hillii

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Podocarpus gracilior

Podocarpus gracilior, commonly known as the African Fern Pine, Fern Podocarpus, carries soft, weeping, deep green foliage held on rigid branches. It...


Acacia Limelight

Acacia Limelight is a shrub grown for its attractive foliage and form. It has soft, weeping, lime green foliage which is held on stems to give the...


Callistemon viminalis

Callistemon viminalis, commonly known as the Weeping Bottlebrush, is a small tree favoured for its bright red, bottlebrush-like flowers in spring and...


Acorus gramineus Ogon

Acorus gramineus Ogon, commonly known as Japanese Sweetflag, Japanese Rush, or Sweetflag, is an attractive ornamental grass featuring fine and...


Schinus molle

Schinus molle, commonly known as the California Pepper Tree, is an evergreen tree grown for its attractive form and foliage. The leaves are bright...


Agonis flexuosa After Dark

Agonis flexuosa After Dark, commonly known as the Peppermint Tree or Peppermint Willow, is an attractive, medium sized tree grown for its fine and...


Sophora godleyi

Sophora godleyi is a variety of Kowhai with a semi-weeping form. It features mid green, fern like foliage that has a soft appearance. The foliage is...

Ficus benjamina plant in black pot with lush green leaves

Ficus benjamina

Ficus benjamina, commonly known as the Weeping Fig Plant, is a popular indoor plant owing to its fantastic foliage. It has a short trunk that...


Robinia Mop Top

Robinia Mop Top is a small, deciduous tree grown for its impressive foliage and tidy form. This tree grows as a dense ball of soft-looking, very...


Taxodium distichum Cascade Falls

Taxodium distichum Cascade Falls is a variety of the commonly known, Swamp Cypress, and is a fabulous weeping tree that will tolerate heavy soils...


Ulmus glabra pendula

Ulmus glabra Pendula, commonly known as the Weeping Elm tree, is a deciduous variety grown for its cascading and colourful foliage. The lush and...


Acer Stella Rossa

Acer palmatum dissectum Stella Rossa is an impressive, small Japanese Maple which featues a rich display of interestingly coloured, weeping foliage...


Salix vitellina Pendula Aurea

Salix vitellina pendula Aurea, commonly known as the Golden Weeping Willow Tree, is grown for its bright and cascading foliage. The foliage comprises...


Salix babylonica

Salix babylonica, commonly known as the Green Weeping Willow, is a deciduous tree grown for its cascading foliage. The foliage comprises bright green...


Fargesia nitida

Fargesia nitida, commonly known as Fountain Bamboo, is a bamboo grown for its weeping foliage that hangs around the narrow canes like a fountain. The...


Gleditsia triacanthos Emerald Cascade

“Emerald Cascade” is a deciduous tree grown for its fabulous, cascading foliage. It produces emerald-green leaves which are glossy and held on...


Acer Emerald Lace

Acer palmatum dissectum Emerald Lace is an impressive, small, Japanese maple featuring a rich display of interestingly coloured, weeping foliage. The...


Betula nigra Summer Cascade

Betula nigra Summer Cascade, commonly known as the Weeping River Birch, is a small tree that will grow almost anywhere. It grows with a pendulous and...


Morus alba Pendula

Morus alba Pendula is a variety of the commonly known Mulberry Tree and is grown for both its fruit and ornamental value. It carries mid-green leaves...


Acer palmatum Crimson Queen

Acer palmatum dissectum Crimson Queen is a variety of Japanese Maple that features a rich display of colourful, weeping foliage. The finely cut...


Alnus jorullensis

Alnus jorullensis, commonly known as the Evergreen Alder or Mexican Alder, is a fast-growing tree that produces a broad crown of open and drooping...


Acer Orangeola

Acer palmatum dissectum Orangeola is an impressive, small, Japanese Maple featuring a rich display of interestingly colourful, weeping foliage. The...


Pyrus pendula

Pyrus pendula, commonly known as the Weeping Pear or Weeping Silver Pear, is a small tree grown for its impressive form, foliage, and flowers. It...


Parrotia persica pendula

Parrotia persica Pendula, commonly known as the Parrotia Plant or Parrotia Persian Ironwood, is a tree grown for its amazing autumn colours and...


Prunus Pendula Rosea

Prunus subhirtella Pendula Rosea is a variety of Flowering Cherry grown for its impressive flowering and pendulous growth habit. This tree produces...


Cercis Ruby Falls

Cercis Ruby Falls, commonly known as the Ruby Falls Redbud or Ruby Falls Eastern Redbud, is a small tree grown for its colourful foliage and...


Acer palmatum dissectum Viridis

Acer palmatum dissectum Viridis is a variety of Weeping Japanese Maple (Laceleaf), that features a rich display of delicate, weeping foliage. The...


Ginkgo biloba Pendula

Ginkgo biloba Pendula is grown for its colourful foliage and weeping growth habit. This deciduous tree has distinctive, fan-shaped, rich green leaves...


Sophora Goldies Mantle

Sophora Goldies Mantle is a variety of Kowhai with a semi-weeping form. It features mid green, fern like foliage that has a soft appearance. The...

Sophora longicarinata

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You might be interested in exploring related Latin Names - Acacia, Acer, Acorus, Agonis, Alnus, Betula, Callistemon, Cercis, Fargesia, Ficus, Ginkgo, Gleditsia, Morus, Parrotia, Podocarpus, Prunus, Pyrus, Robinia, Salix, Schinus, Sophora Taxodium and Ulmus, or related Categories - Mulberries, Grasses, Indoor Plants, Evergreen Shrubs, Deciduous Trees, Evergreen Trees, Flowering Cherries, Flowering Pears Maple Tree and Maples.

Search weeping evergreen trees

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