How Do You Prune Hydrangeas?
Hydrangeas are pruned each winter in NZ to contain growth and encourage fresh, new growth that will bear flowers. The Plant Company recommends they are pruned back to a low crown which has short stems (about 10 cm long) with at least two buds on each stem remaining using secateurs. Any dead stems should also be removed at this time, along with stems that are criss-crossing or show disease. Young plants will generally be left with five stems whereas older plants can have 20-30 stems remaining. These can be thinned back to 15 if desired which will help produce bigger flower heads. Longer stems can be left on younger plants while they are establishing. In general, the harder the plant is pruned back, the more contained it will grow the next season. Flowering can be affected with hard pruning but that is more likely to cause delayed flowering only.