Abelia grandiflora, commonly known as Glossy Abelia, is grown for its lovely flowers and attractive foliage. This easy to grow plant produces masses...
Abutilon Halo, commonly known as Chinese Lantern, Flowering Maple, or Parlour Maple, features showy, bright yellow, lantern-shaped flowers with red...
Abutilon Hot Pink, commonly known as Chinese Lantern, Flowering Maple, or Parlour Maple, features showy, bright pink, lantern-shaped flowers. The...
Abutilon Lucky Lantern Yellow, commonly known as Chinese Lantern, Flowering Maple, or Parlour Maple, is grown for its dwarf nature and pretty...
Abutilon Orange, commonly known as Chinese Lantern, Red Flowering Maple, or Parlour Maple, features showy, bright orange, lantern-shaped flowers....
Abutilon Red, commonly known as Chinese Lantern, Red Flowering Maple, or Parlour Maple, features showy, intense red, lantern-shaped flowers from...
Abutilon Yellow, commonly known as Chinese Lantern, Flowering Maple, or Parlour Maple, features bright yellow, lantern-shaped flowers. The flowers...
Acer palmatum Shaina is an impressive Japanese Maple grown for its colourful foliage and short stature. The leaves emerge a brilliant red in spring...
Agapanthus Baby Pete, commonly known as African Lily or Lily of the Nile, is a compact, herbaceous perennial renowned for its stunning, blue flowers...
Agapanthus Bertsbrook is a variety selected for its short stature and lovely flowers. This herbaceous perennial produces beautiful, mid-blue flowers...
Agapanthus Gayles Lilac features showy, lilac-blue flowers from spring though summer. These are held as loose clusters on sturdy stems that rise...
Agapanthus Lapis is a compact, herbaceous perennial renowned for its bounty of stunning, blue-purple flowers from spring through until autumn. The...
Agapanthus Sarah is a dwarf variety of Agapanthus that features showy, blue flowers through spring and summer. These are held as loose clusters on...
Agapanthus Seafoam is a semi-dwarf variety that produces pure white flowers through summer. The showy flowers are borne in loose clusters on stems...
Agapanthus Silver Baby is a dwarf variety that produces white flowers with a subtle ice-blue edge through summer. The showy flowers are held as...
Agapanthus Snowball is a dwarf variety of Agapanthus that produces showy clusters of white flowers in summer. The flowers are held as reasonably...
Agapanthus Streamline features large and showy clusters of light blue flowers through spring and summer. These are held above the dark green...
Ajuga reptans Catlins Giant, commonly known as Bugleweed, Common Bugle, or Carpet Bugle, is an herbaceous perennial grown for both its foliage and...
Alchemilla mollis, commonly known as Lady’s Mantle, is an herbaceous perennial grown for both its foliage and flowers. Small, bright yellow flowers...
Alstroemeria Inca Bandit is a variety of the commonly known, Peruvian Lily, and grown for its beautiful flowers and lovely foliage. The large and...
Alstroemeria Inca Rio is a dwarf variety of the commonly known, Peruvian Lily, and grown for its beautiful flowers and lovely foliage. The large and...
Alstroemeria Indigo is a variety of the commonly known, Peruvian Lily, and grown for its beautiful flowers and lovely foliage. The large and showy...
Alstroemeria Summer Holiday is a variety of the commonly known, Peruvian Lily, and grown for its beautiful flowers and lovely foliage. The large and...
Alstroemeria Valentino is a variety of the commonly known, Peruvian Lily, and grown for its beautiful flowers and lovely foliage. The large and showy...