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The Plant Company have the best Araucaria trees for sale, a fantastic range, and we can ship them to you fast! Browse our range of New Zealand-grown Maple trees for sale. We’re here to help you breathe life into your dream garden.

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Araucaria hetrophylla

Commonly known as the Norfolk Pine, this is a large, evergreen tree that grows with a distinctive, pyramidal shape. The fresh green leaves are...


Other varieties of Araucaria – Out of stock

Araucaria angustifolia

Commonly known as the Brazilian Pine, this is a large, evergreen tree. It has thick, tough, scale like, dark green leaves with sharp edges, held on...


Araucaria araucana

Commonly known as the Monkey Puzzle Tree, this is a large, evergreen tree grown for its distinctive foliage. It has dark green, needle like leaves...


Araucaria laubenfelsii

Araucaria laubenfelsii is a large, evergreen tree grown for its distinctive foliage. It has dark green, needle like leaves held on intertwining...


Araucaria – Best in New Zealand!

Growing Araucaria trees such as Araucaria araucana (Monkey Puzzle tree) in your garden delivers a vast range of benefits:

From Norfolk Pines, Monkey-Puzzle Trees, to Bunya Pines, we have the right Araucaria for your space. Choose from a wide variety of trees have been selected to thrive in NZ’s climate. We stock only the highest quality plants, sourcing them from NZ’s leading nurseries. Each plant is packed and transported with extreme care, ensuring it arrives to you in the same condition it was in when it left the nursery. If you are wanting to buy Araucaria trees, shop with confidence from the best in the industry.

Araucaria Questions

1. Do monkey puzzle trees grow in New Zealand?

Monkey Puzzle Trees grow well in New Zealand. They are a popular ornamental tree, planted for the unusual effect of their thick, "reptilian" branches with very symmetrical appearance. They prefer temperate climates with frequent rainfall and can temperatures down to about −20 °C. They are far and away the hardiest member of their genus, Araucaria. They are also tolerant of coastal environments but tend to struggle with urban pollution.

Monkey puzzle trees are native to central and southern Chile and western Argentina, where they grow in the Andes Mountains. They are a very long-lived tree, with some specimens being for over 1,000 years old.

2. What is the English name for Araucaria?

The most common name for Araucaria is Monkey Puzzle Tree. It is named after the sharp, spiny leaves that cover the branches and trunk of the tree. The tree is native to Chile and Argentina and is renowned for its slow growth and longevity. Trees can live for over 1,000 years!

Other common names for Araucaria include:

The monkey puzzle tree is a popular ornamental tree in many parts of the world, and is often planted in gardens, parks, and other public spaces. It is also a valuable timber tree, and is used to make a variety of products, including furniture, flooring, and musical instruments.

3. How long do Araucaria trees live?

Araucaria trees, commonly known as Monkey Puzzle Trees, have been known to live for over 1,000 years. The oldest known Araucaria tree is Araucaria araucana located in the Villarrica National Park in Chile. This tree is estimated to be over 2,000 years old.

4. How do I grow Araucaria trees?

Here are some tips for planting an Araucaria tree:

5. How do I care for Araucaria trees?

Araucaria are relatively low-maintenance trees. However, there are a few things you can do to keep them healthy and looking their best:

6. Where is the best place to put an Araucaria tree?

The best place to put an Araucaria tree is in full sun with plenty of room for it to grow. It should be spaced 10 m away from buildings and other trees. For this reason, they are often used in large gardens, parks, or avenues.

7. Which Araucaria grows fastest?

The fastest-growing Araucaria is the Norfolk Island pine (Araucaria heterophylla). It can grow up to 1 m per year in ideal conditions. It is native to Norfolk Island, Australia, and can grow up to 40 m tall and 12 m wide. It has a conical shape and whorled branches with leaves that are small and scale-like. Norfolk Island pines are popular ornamental trees and are often used as Christmas trees.

Other Araucaria species are slower growing, but they can still reach impressive heights. For example, the monkey puzzle tree (Araucaria araucana) can grow up to 30 m tall and 16 m wide.

8. What is the best time to plant Araucaria trees?

The best time to plant Araucaria trees is generally winter and spring. Planting then is ideal as they have a whole growing season ahead of them to establish their roots before the hot summer months.

9. What is another name for Araucaria?

Araucaria has several other names, depending on the specific species and region. Here are some examples:

10. How big does Araucaria grow?

The size of an Araucaria tree depends on the specific species and its growing conditions. Here's a breakdown for commonly known species:

Araucaria araucana (Monkey puzzle tree):

Araucaria heterophylla (Norfolk Island pine):

Araucaria bidwillii (Bunya pine):

Araucaria cunninghamii (Hoop pine):

11. What is Araucaria in English?

"Araucaria" itself is a Latin word that refers to the genus of coniferous trees. Therefore, there isn't a direct translation of "Araucaria" into English.

12. Is Araucaria Poisonous?

The toxicity of Araucaria depends on the species and the part of the plant ingested. Here's a breakdown:

Araucaria araucana (Monkey puzzle tree):

Araucaria heterophylla (Norfolk Island pine):

Araucaria bidwillii (Bunya pine):

Araucaria cunninghamii (Hoop pine):

General precautions:

13. Is Araucaria a type of pine?

While Araucaria trees are commonly called pines, they are not technically true pines. They belong to a separate family, Araucariaceae, which is distinct from the Pinaceae family that includes true pines (genus Pinus).

Here's why Araucaria is not classified as a pine:

However, Araucaria trees share some superficial similarities with true pines, hence the common names such as "monkey puzzle tree" and "Norfolk Island pine." These similarities include:

Despite these similarities, it's important to recognize the distinct taxonomic position of Araucaria trees outside the true pine family.

14. What are some fun facts about Araucaria?

Araucaria trees are fascinating and ancient organisms with many interesting facts to discover. Here are some fun facts about them:

1. Living Fossils: Araucaria trees have existed on Earth for over 200 million years, making them living fossils. They were contemporaries of dinosaurs and witnessed significant changes in the planet's climate and geography.

2. Unique Cones: Araucaria cones are among the largest in the plant kingdom, some reaching up to 80 cm (31.5 inches) in diameter. These cones can take 2-3 years to mature and contain large, edible seeds.

3. Cultural Significance: Araucaria trees hold cultural importance in various regions. The Mapuche people of Chile consider the Monkey Puzzle Tree (Araucaria araucana) sacred, and its seeds are a traditional food source.

4. Unique Seeds: Araucaria seeds are unique in their structure, containing a fleshy outer layer and a hard, edible nut inside. Some species, like the Bunya pine (Araucaria bidwillii), produce seeds that can weigh up to 3 kg (6.6 lbs)!

5. Fire Resistance: Araucaria trees have thick bark and often grow in regions prone to wildfires. Their bark can protect them from flames, allowing them to survive and even thrive in fire-prone ecosystems.

6. Slow Growth: Araucaria trees are known for their slow growth rate, with some species taking decades to reach maturity. This longevity contributes to their status as living fossils and their unique ecological importance.

7. Architectural Inspiration: The symmetrical and distinctive shape of Araucaria trees has inspired architects and designers throughout history. Notably, the spiral arrangement of leaves on the Norfolk Island pine (Araucaria heterophylla) inspired the design of the Sydney Opera House in Australia.

8. Medicinal Properties: Extracts from Araucaria bark have been used in traditional medicine for treating various ailments. Studies are ongoing to explore their potential medicinal benefits further.

9. Threatened Species: Several Araucaria species are classified as threatened due to habitat loss and overexploitation. Conservation efforts are underway to protect these ancient trees and ensure their survival for future generations.

10. Living Symbols: Araucaria trees stand as living symbols of resilience, adaptation, and longevity. Their presence reminds us of the interconnectedness of life on Earth and the importance of preserving our planet's biodiversity.

15. What are the benefits of Araucaria?

Araucaria trees offer a variety of benefits ranging from ecological and cultural importance to economic and potential medicinal uses. Here are some key benefits:




Potential medicinal benefits:

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