The Plant Company grows and sells thousands of Carpodetus plants throughout NZ. We pride ourselves on producing high quality plants and seeing the joy from our customers when they receive them. We do hope you enjoy them and support this NZ business that is passionate about plants.
Carpodetus serratus, commonly known as the Putaputaweta Tree or Marbleleaf, is an attractive, NZ native tree with spreading branches that host...
Carpodetus serratus prostrata, commonly known as Marble Leaf or Putaputaweta is a low growing, NZ native shrub, that is often used a groundcover. Its...
Adding NZ-native shrubs such as Putaputaweta to your garden delivers a vast range of benefits:
We have the largest variety of Carpodetus serratus plants, and the right one for your space. Many of these amazing plants have been grown locally or raised by ourselves with eco-sourced seed. They are thriving and ready for their new home. We stock only the highest quality plants, with each plant packed and transported with extreme care to ensure it arrives to you in the same condition it was in when it left the nursery. If you are wanting to buy Carpodetus serratus, shop with confidence from the best in the industry.
The Putaputaweta tree, also known as Carpodetus serratus, is a native tree of New Zealand. It can grow up to 10 metres tall, but typically grows to 5-7 metres tall. The tree has a dense, rounded crown and dark green, leathery leaves. The flowers in spring are small and white.
Marbleleaf, also known as Carpodetus serratus, is a popular ornamental tree. It is also used in native bush restoration projects. Fruit from these trees are a food source for native birds, such as the tui and the kereru.
Carpodetus serratus, also known as the putaputaweta or marbleleaf, thrives in a variety of habitats. Here's an idea of its preferred environments:
General range:
Forest types:
Key habitat features:
The bucket of water tree in New Zealand is the Carpodetus serratus, also known by its Māori name Putaputaweta or the marbleleaf.
This evergreen tree earned the nickname "bucket of water" due to its sappy wood. When freshly cut, the wood contains so much sap that it's difficult to burn and doesn't provide much heat, almost like pouring a bucket of water on a fire.
Here are some other interesting facts about the Putaputaweta:
So, next time you're in New Zealand and come across a tree with marbled leaves and a reputation for sappy wood, you'll know you've spotted the fascinating Putaputaweta, the bucket of water tree!
Whether you need assistance finding the plant you’re looking for or you simply want to know more about who we are and what we do, we invite you to get in touch with us today. A member of The Plant Company team will get back in touch as soon as possible.