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The Plant Company grows and sells thousands of Clivia plants throughout NZ. We pride ourselves on producing high quality plants and seeing the joy from our customers when they receive them. We do hope you enjoy them and support this NZ business that is passionate about plants.

Garden Style


Flower Colour

Flowering Season


Fragrant Flowers

NZ Native

Coastal Conditions


Clivia Belgium Hybrid

Clivia Belgium Hybrid features clusters of large and showy, bright orange-red flowers borne on slender stems from winter through early spring. The...


Clivia Fireglow

Clivia miniata Fireglow is an herbaceous perennial that features clusters of large and showy, fiery orange-red flowers are borne on slender stems...


Clivia miniata

Clivia miniata is an herbaceous perennial that features clusters of large and showy, bright orange-red flowers are borne on slender stems from winter...


Clivia grandiflora

Clivia miniata grandiflora is an herbaceous perennial that features clusters of large and showy, fiery orange-red flowers are borne on slender stems...


Clivia Santa Barbara

Clivia Santa Barbara is an herbaceous perennial grown for its impressive blooms. Clusters of large and showy, bright orange-red flowers are borne on...


Clivia Yellow

Clivia Yellow is an herbaceous perennial grown for its impressive flowers. Clusters of large and showy, yellow flowers are borne on slender stems...


Other varieties of Clivia – Out of stock

Clivia Moonglow

Clivia miniata Moonglow is an herbaceous perennial that features clusters of large and showy, light-yellow flowers are borne on slender stems from...


Clivia nobilis

Clivia nobilis, commonly known as the Green-Tip Forest Lily, features interesting flowers. It produces pendulous clusters of showy, red and yellow...


Clivia Red

Clivia Red is an herbaceous perennial grown for its impressive blooms. Clusters of large and showy, bright red flowers are borne on slender stems...


Clivia Rainbow Hybrid

Clivia Rainbow Hybrid is an herbaceous perennial that features clusters of large and showy, pastel orange flowers on slender stems from winter...


Clivia Peach

Clivia Peach is an herbaceous perennial that features clusters of large and showy, peach coloured flowers on slender stems from winter through early...


Clivia Miniata – Best Plants In New Zealand!

Growing colourful perennials such as Clivia miniate in your garden delivers a vast range of benefits:

We have the largest variety of Clivia plants, and the right one for your space. These have been selected to thrive in NZ’s climate. We stock only the highest quality Clivia, sourcing them locally, and from NZ’s leading nurseries. Each plant is packed and transported with extreme care, ensuring it arrives to you in the same condition it was in when it left the nursery. If you are wanting to buy Clivia, shop with confidence from the best in the industry.

Clivia Questions

1. Are clivias expensive?

A good sized Clivia typically costs about $20. Larger grades can sell for $60-$100. The Plant Company advises avoiding very small grades as these can die easily and any savings from buying cheap plants are lost quickly.

2. What is the difference between red clivia and orange clivia?

Red clivias and orange clivias are both members of the same species, Clivia miniata. The main difference between the two is the colour of their flowers. Red clivias have flowers that are a deep red colour, while orange clivias have flowers that are a bright orange colour.

3. Are yellow clivias rare?

Yellow clivias are rare, but not as rare as they used to be. They were first discovered in the wild in South Africa over 40 years ago, and since then, breeders have developed a number of yellow cultivars. However, yellow clivias are still relatively rare, especially compared to orange and red clivias.

There are two main reasons why yellow clivias are rare. First, the yellow flower colour is caused by a recessive gene. This means that both parents of a yellow clivia must carry the recessive gene in order for the offspring to be yellow. Second, yellow clivias are more susceptible to pests and diseases than other clivia cultivars.

Despite their rarity, yellow clivias are highly prized by collectors and gardeners. They are known for their beautiful, delicate flowers and their unique colour. If you are lucky enough to find a yellow clivia plant, be sure to cherish it!

4. How many colours of clivia are there?

There are a wide variety of clivia colours available, including orange, red, yellow, cream, pink, apricot, and peach. Some clivias even have variegated flowers with multiple colours. The most common colour is orange, but red clivias are also very popular. Yellow clivias are found less frequently, but are becoming more common as breeders develop new cultivars. Cream, pink, apricot, and peach clivias are also relatively rare, but they are available.

5. Do clivias multiply?

Yes, clivias multiply as they become larger plants overall. They do this naturally by producing offsets. These are baby plants that sprout from the base of the mother plant, sharing its root system. Once they reach a size of about 10-15 cm, they can be gently separated from the mother plant and potted up independently.

6. Are clivia poisonous to dogs?

Clivias are poisonous to dogs. All parts of the clivia plant, including the leaves, bulbs, berries, and seeds, contain lycorine and other alkaloids that can be toxic if ingested.

Symptoms of Clivia Poisoning in Dogs:

Contact us

Whether you need assistance finding the plant you’re looking for or you simply want to know more about who we are and what we do, we invite you to get in touch with us today. A member of The Plant Company team will get back in touch as soon as possible.

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