Prepare to be impressed with our range, quality, and service. We are passionate about growing plants for our customers to enjoy.
Dacrycarpus dacrydioides (aka Podocarpus dacrydioides), commonly known as Kahikatea or White Pine, is a slow growing, NZ native tree capable of...
Dacrydium cupressinum, commonly known as Rimu or Red Pine, is an iconic and slow growing tree found throughout New Zealand. It features two, quite...
Daphne odora alba (aka Daphne odora leucantha), commonly known as Winter Daphne, is a medium-sized shrub grown for its lovely foliage and highly...
Daphne Perfume Princess is grown for its fragrance and prolonged flowering. Masses of highly fragrant, blush-pink flowers are borne from mid-winter...
Daphniphyllum macropodum is a truly impressive evergreen tree. The young growth in spring resembles masses of miniature Cycads and has red hues....
Commonly known as the Dove or Handkerchief Tree, this is a medium sized tree grown for its interesting flowers. Extraordinary flowers in spring...
Deutzia Compact Pink is grown for its exquisite flowering. It grows with an upright, rounded habit and produces sprays of delicate, pink and white...
Dianella Blaze is an herbaceous perennial grown for its lush and colourful foliage. It features broad and gently arching, bronze-purple leaves that...
Dianella caerulea Breeze is grown for both its foliage and flowers. It features spikes carrying delicate, blue flowers in spring. These are held...
Dianella caerulea Goddess is a variety of the commonly known, NZ Flax Lily, and is an herbaceous perennial grown for its lovely foliage and flowers....
Dianella revoluta Kentlyn is a variety of the commonly known, Flax Lily, and is an herbaceous perennial grown for its lovely foliage and flowers, and...
Dianella nigra Margaret Pringle is a lovely NZ native Flax Lily that is grown for both its foliage and flowers. In spring it bears spikes carrying...
Dianella nigra, commonly known as the NZ Blueberry or Tūrutu, is a NZ native that features lush foliage and glossy berries that vary in colour from...
Dianella Petite Marie is an herbaceous perennial grown for its foliage and flowers. Flower stems rise above the foliage through spring and summer to...
Dianella revoluta Revelation is an herbaceous perennial grown for its foliage and flowers. Flower stems rise above the foliage through spring and...
Dianella tasmanica, commonly known as The Tasman Flax Lily, this herbaceous perennial is grown for its lovely foliage and flowers. It produces...
Dianthus Angel Of Hope is a variety of Carnation that features attractive, hot-pink flowers. The plants are bushy and grow to about 30 cm tall and...
Dianthus Angel Of Purity is a variety of Carnation that features attractive, white flowers. The plants are bushy and grow to about 30 cm tall and 40...
Dianthus Far North is a variety of Carnation that produces double, pure white flowers. The plants are bushy and grow to about 20 cm tall and 30 cm...
Dicentra Bacchanal, commonly known as Pacific Bleeding Heart, is a bulbous plant grown for its foliage and amazing flowers. The fine foliage is...
Dichondra Silver Falls, commonly known as Silver Ponyfoot, is an herbaceous perennial grown for its cascading foliage. This plant produces small and...
Dichroa Blue Stars, commonly known as evergreen hydrangea, is renowned for both its flowers and foliage. It becomes covered in showy clusters of...
Dicksonia fibrosa, commonly known as the Ponga Tree, is an impressive, NZ native, tree fern. It has a solid, fibrous, brown trunk which carries a...
Dicksonia squarrosa, commonly known as NZ Wheki or Rough Tree Fern, is a NZ native tree fern that features a slender trunk and lovely fronds. The...