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The Best Plants In NZ With A Latin Name Starting With D!

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Garden Style


Flower Colour

Flowering Season


Fragrant Flowers

NZ Native

Coastal Conditions


Dacrydium cupressinum

Dacrydium cupressinum, commonly known as Rimu or Red Pine, is an iconic and slow growing tree. The juvenile form has drooping branches which are...


Dacrycarpus dacrydioides

Dacrycarpus dacrydioides (aka Podocarpus dacrydioides), commonly known as Kahikatea or White Pine, is a slow growing, NZ native tree capable of...


Dianella nigra

Dianella nigra, commonly known as the NZ Blueberry or Tūrutu, is a NZ native that features lush foliage and glossy berries that vary in colour from...


Dodonaea viscosa

Dodonaea viscosa, commonly known as the Green Ake Ake, features lush, bright green leaves which are held densely off upright stems. The foliage is...


Dodonaea viscosa purpurea

Dodonaea viscosa purpurea, commonly known as the Purple Ake Ake, features lush, purple leaves which are held densely off upright stems. The foliage...


Dracaena compacta

Dracaena Compacta is a stunning indoor plant grown for its lovely foliage and compact growth habit. The narrow green leaves are borne off upright...


Dactylis glomerata

Dactylis glomerata, commonly known as Cat Grass or Catnip Grass, is a popular grass that is loved by cats. It features flowing, green foliage held as...


Disphyma australe

Disphyma australe, commonly known as the NZ Native Ice Plant, is a fast-growing groundcover that is found naturally along coast lines. Plants carry...


Dianthus King of the Blacks

The King of the Blacks Carnation that features very dark purple flowers that have the appearance of black velvet. Plants form a low mound of grassy...


Dianella Little Rev

Dianella Little Rev is a compact, clump forming grass that is a fantastic blue-green colour. It grows to about 60 cm tall and about 40 cm wide and...


Dymondia margaretae

Dymondia margaretae, commonly known as Silver Carpet, is a low growing, groundcover plant. It produces narrow leaves which are grey-green and when...


Dracaena draco

Dracaena draco, commonly known as the Canary Islands Dragon Tree, this is a small tree featuring long, sword like leaves. The dark green-grey leaves...


Doryanthes palmeri

Doryanthes palmeri, commonly known as The Giant Spear Lily, is an Australian native grown for its amazing flowers and attractive foliage. Long stems...


Dietes iridioides

Dietes iridioides, commonly known as the African Iris or Fortnight Lily, produces dainty flowers that are white with the outer petals marked with...


Dietes bicolor

Dietes bicolor, commonly known as the Fortnight Lily or Spanish Iris, is grown for its impressive flowers. It produces white, or sometimes light...


Dietes grandiflora

Dietes grandiflora, commonly known as the Fairy Iris, is a popular variety with eye-catching flowers that are white and marked with yellow and...


Dicksonia squarrosa

Dicksonia squarrosa, commonly known as NZ Wheki or Rough Tree Fern, is a NZ native tree fern that features a slender trunk and lovely fronds. They...


Dichroa Blue Stars

Dichroa Blue Stars, commonly known as evergreen hydrangea, is renowned for both its flowers and foliage. It becomes covered in showy clusters of blue...


Dichondra Silver Falls

Dichondra Silver Falls, commonly known as Silver Ponyfoot, is an herbaceous perennial grown for its cascading foliage. This plant produces small and...


Dianthus Pink Eclipse

Dianthus Pink Eclipse is a variety of Carnation that produces double, pink flowers in varying shades. The plants are bushy and grow to about 20 cm...


Dianella Breeze

Dianella Breeze, commonly known as Turutu, features spikes that carry delicate, blue flowers in spring. These are held neatly above the dark green...


Dianella Little Jess

Dianella Little Jess is a variety of NZ Flax Lily that bears spikes carrying delicate, blue flowers in spring above lush, mid-green leaves. The...


Dianella Revelation

Dianella Revelation features flower stems that rise above the foliage through spring and summer to bear masses of delicate, blue flowers which result...


Dianella tasmanica

Dianella tasmanica, commonly known as The Tasman Flax Lily, produces upright, strap-like leaves which are a rich, dark green and have a lush...


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