The Plant Company grows, sells, and ships Dypsis Palms throughout NZ. We pride ourselves on producing high quality plants and seeing the joy from our customers when they receive them. We do hope you enjoy them and support this NZ business that is passionate about Dypsis Palms.
Dypsis baronii, commonly known as The Sugar Cane Palm, is a stunning plant which is well suited to smaller gardens. It is renowned for its multiple...
Dypsis decipiens, commonly known as The Manambe Palm, is a stunning plant suited to smaller gardens. It is renowned for its large and showy, dark...
Dypsis decaryi, commonly known as The Triangle Palm, is a stunning plant suited to medium-sized gardens. It is renowned for its large and showy, dark...
Dypsis lutescens, commonly known as the Areca Palm, is a stunning plant which is well suited to smaller gardens or for growing indoors. It is...