The Plant Company grows and sells thousands of Hoya plants throughout NZ. We pride ourselves on producing high quality plants and seeing the joy from our customers when they receive them. We do hope you enjoy them and support this NZ business that is passionate about Hoya plants.
Hoya pubicalyx Red Button is a popular variety of Hoya and commonly grown as an indoor plant. It produces elongated, dark green leaves held on...
Hoya pubicalyx Royal Hawaiian Purple is a popular variety that is commonly grown as an indoor plant. It produces elongated, dark green leaves held on...
Hoya shepherdii is a fabulous variety that makes for a wonderful indoor plant. It produces elongated, dark green leaves held on trailing stems...
Hoya pubicalyx Splash is a popular variety that is commonly grown as an indoor plant. It produces elongated leaves that are dark green and splashed...
Hoya compacta, commonly known as the Hindu Rope plant, is commonly grown as an indoor plant. It produces fleshy, leaves with distinct curves that are...
Hoya polyneura, commonly known as the Fish Tail Hoya, is commonly grown as an indoor plant. It produces elongated, dark green leaves which are held...
Hoya Krimson Princess is a popular variety of Hoya and commonly grown as an indoor plant. It produces leaves that are variegated cream and green with...
Hoya Teddy Bear is a popular variety that is commonly grown as an indoor plant. It produces elongated, dark green leaves held on trailing stems...