The Plant Company grows, sells, and ships Rose plants throughout NZ. We pride ourselves on producing high quality plants and seeing the joy from our customers when they receive them. We do hope you enjoy them and support this NZ business that is passionate about Rose plants.
Rose Dublin Bay is a popular and award-winning rose which can be grown as a shrub or as a climber. It features masses of double, dark red flowers...
Rose Aotearoa is a Hybrid Tea rose featuring very fragrant, soft pink flowers held on long stems. The flowers begin in spring and continue until...
Rose Auckland Metro is a Hybrid Tea variety that features fragrant, cream-white flowers with a soft pink undertone. These are held on long stems and...
Rose Desiree is a Hybrid Tea rose featuring fragrant, soft pink flowers held on long stems. The flowers begin in spring and continue until autumn...
Rose Double Delight is a Hybrid Tea variety that features cream-coloured flowers edged with dark red. The fragrant flowers begin in spring and...
Rose Just Joey is a Hybrid Tea shrub variety that features large and fragrant, bright orange-pink flowers held on long stems. The flowers begin in...
Rose Flower Carpet White is a variety of rose that features large trusses of semi-double, white flowers. Flowering begins in spring and continues...
Rose Flower Carpet Red is a popular ground cover rose that features masses of showy, dark red flowers. The flowers are complemented with glossy, dark...
Rose Burgundy Iceberg is a shrub rose that features masses of very showy, burgundy-coloured flowers. The lightly scented blooms begin in late spring...
Rose Golden Celebration is a magnificent shrub owing to its rich yellow flowers. The heavily scented blooms begin in late spring and continue until...
“Scent to Remember” is a magnificent shrub rose owing to its large and showy, peach-apricot coloured flowers. The scented blooms are produced from...
“Tequila Sunrise” is a magnificent shrub rose owing to its colourful, red and yellows flowers. The showy blooms are borne on long stems with...
“Remember Me” is a Hybrid Tea shrub rose that features two-tone orange flowers on tall stems. The showy blooms emerge in spring and continue until...
Rose Absolutely Fabulous is a popular Floribunda shrub rose that features showy clusters of orange-yellow flowers. The fragrant blooms emerge in...
Rose Lemon And Lime is a very popular, Floribunda shrub rose that features masses lemon-coloured flowers with green tinges. The showy blooms emerge...
Rose Peace is an extraordinary Hybrid Tea shrub rose that features very showy, cream-coloured flowers with soft-pink highlights, held on long stems...
“Raspberry Ice” is a Floribunda shrub rose that features large and showy flowers that are cream with a raspberry coloured margin. The lightly...
The rose Graham Thomas is a David Austin shrub rose that features very showy, pure yellow flowers. The fragrant blooms emerge in spring and continue...
“Violet Serenity” is a magnificent small, shrub rose owing to its colourful display of bright pink flowers. The showy blooms are borne as clusters...
Rose Flower Carpet Pink features large trusses of semi-double, pink flowers. Flowering begins in spring and continues until autumn provided the spent...
Rose Flower Carpet Yellow is a popular ground cover rose that features masses of showy, yellow flowers. Flowering begins in spring and will continue...
Rose Flower Carpet Gold is a popular ground cover rose that features masses of showy, yellow flowers. Flowering begins in spring and will continue...
"Truly Special" is a magnificent shrub rose owing to its colourful and highly fragrant, warm-pink flowers. The showy blooms are produced from late...
“White Romance” is a very popular shrub rose that features masses pure white flowers. The showy blooms emerge in spring and continue until autumn...
Rose Pink Damask is a shrub rose that features showy, double pink flowers. The highly fragrant blooms emerge in spring and continue until autumn...
Rose Ballerina produces a mass of small, single, pink flowers with lighter centres. The flowers are borne in large, loose clusters from spring...
Rose Blairii No 2 is a rambling Rose variety that produces masses of mid-sized, fragrant, double, pink flowers. The flowers are borne in large, loose...
Rose Bloomfield Courage is a rambling Rose variety that produces masses of small, single, dark red flowers. The flowers are borne in large, loose...
Rose Friesia is a Floribunda variety that features masses of large and showy, rich-yellow flowers. The heavily scented blooms emerge in spring and...
Rose Fimbriata produces masses of double, light pink flowers. The petals have a frilly edge, are mildly fragrant, and borne from spring through...
Rose Iceberg is a very popular, Floribunda shrub rose that features masses of ice white flowers. The fragrant blooms emerge in spring and continue...
Rose Margaret Merril is a popular, Floribunda shrub rose that features masses of pure white flowers. The fragrant blooms emerge in spring and...
Rose Mutabilis is a Floribunda shrub rose that features flowers that change colours. They start off pale, age to pink, then finally turn crimson red...
Rose New Dawn is a climbing Rose variety that produces masses of large and showy, blush pink flowers. The double flowers are fragrant and borne from...
Rose Seafoam is a lovely climbing rose that produces masses of fragrant, mid-sized, double, cream-white flowers from spring through autumn. The...
Rose The Fairy is an outstanding variety, producing masses of double, soft-pink flowers from spring through autumn. The foliage on this deciduous...
Rose Wedding Day is a climbing Rose variety that produces masses of pure white flowers with dominant yellow stamens. The flowers, borne in clusters...
Rose Nicole is a Floribunda variety that features very showy, pink and white flowers with a light fragrance. The impressive blooms emerge in spring...
Rose Monticello is a pretty rose that bears masses of pink flowers. The flowers begin in spring and continue until autumn. The foliage comprises...
Rose Archiduc Joseph features very fragrant, double pink flowers. The flowers begin in spring and continue until autumn. The foliage comprises...
Rose Amelia is a Hybrid Tea variety that features fragrant, pink flowers held on long stems. The flowers begin in spring and continue until autumn...
Rose Andrea Jane is a Hybrid Tea variety that features fragrant, cream flowers with pink edging. The flowers are held on long stems and emerge in...
Rose Dark Lady is a David Austin rose featuring fragrant, dark red flowers held on long stems. The flowers begin in spring and continue until autumn...
Rose Beauty Star is a Hybrid Tea variety that features fragrant, orange flowers held on long stems. The flowers begin in spring and continue until...
Rose Berolina is a Hybrid Tea variety that features fragrant, light yellow flowers with darker centres held on long stems. The flowers begin in...
Rose Beryl Bach is a Hybrid Tea variety that features fragrant, light yellow flowers with pink colouring. These are held on long stems with flowering...
Rose Best Friend is a Hybrid Tea variety that features bright pink flowers held on long stems. The fragrant flowers begin in spring and continue...
Rose Big Purple is a Hybrid Tea variety that features purple-red flowers held on long stems. The fragrant flowers begin in spring and continue until...
Rose Black Beauty is an award-winning shrub rose that features masses of velvety, dark red-black flowers. The fragrant blooms emerge in spring and...
Rose Blackberry Nip is a Hybrid Tea variety featuring fragrant, purple-pink flowers which are held on long stems. The flowers begin in spring and...
Rose Blue Moon is a Hybrid Tea variety that features mauve-blue flowers held on long stems. The fragrant flowers begin in spring and continue until...
Rose Blue Sky is a Hybrid Tea variety that features deep-mauve coloured flowers with pink edging, held on long stems. The fragrant flowers begin in...
Rose Bobby Charlton is a Hybrid Tea variety that features fragrant, rose-pink flowers held on long stems from spring until autumn. The foliage...
Rose Brandy is a Hybrid Tea variety featuring fragrant, apricot orange flowers held on long stems. The flowers begin in spring and continue until...
Rose Bulls Red is a Hybrid Tea variety that features fragrant, dark red flowers held on long stems. The flowers begin in spring and continue until...
Rose Candella is a Hybrid Tea variety that features fragrant, rich red flowers held on long stems. The flowers begin in spring and continue until...
Rose Celtic Cream is a Hybrid Tea rose featuring fragrant, rich cream-coloured flowers held on long stems. The flowers begin in spring and continue...
Rose City of Auckland is a Hybrid Tea variety that features fragrant flowers in varying shades of orange and pink held on long stems. The flowers...
Rose Cleopatra is a Hybrid Tea variety that features fragrant, red flowers with orange centres held on long stems. The flowers begin in spring and...
Rose Clodagh McGredy is a Hybrid Tea variety that features fragrant, pastel pink flowers held on long stems. The flowers begin in spring and continue...
Rose Colleen is a Hybrid Tea variety that features fragrant, rich cream flowers with pink edging held on long stems. The flowers begin in spring and...
Rose Copper Queen is a Hybrid Tea variety that features large and fragrant, yellow flowers with an orange undertone held on long stems. The flowers...
Rose Copper Lights is a Hybrid Tea variety that features fragrant, burnt orange-red flowers held on long stems. The flowers begin in spring and...
Rose Cream Delight is a Hybrid Tea variety that features fragrant, cream-coloured flowers with a light-apricot centre held on long stems. The flowers...
Rose Creme de la Creme is a Hybrid Tea rose that feature fragrant, cream-pink flowers with light-apricot centres held on long stems. The flowers...
Rose Dad’s Delight is a floribunda rose that features masses of dark red flowers. The flowers begin in spring and continue until autumn. The foliage...
Rose Debbie Thomas is a Hybrid Tea variety that features fragrant, rose-pink flowers held on long stems. The flowers begin in spring and continues...
Rose Deep Secret is a Hybrid Tea rose that features velvety, dark red flowers held on long stems. The fragrant flowers begin in spring and continue...
Rose Diamond Jubilee is a Hybrid Tea variety that features cream-apricot-coloured flowers held on long stems. The fragrant flowers begin in spring...
Rose Elegant Lady is a Hybrid Tea variety that features fragrant, two-tone, rose-pink flowers. The flowers begin in spring and continue until autumn...
Rose Elina is a Hybrid Tea variety that features cream-yellow flowers. The fragrant flowers begin in spring and continue until autumn. The foliage...
Rose Erotica is a Hybrid Tea variety that features red flowers held on long stems. The fragrant flowers begin in spring and continue until autumn...
Rose Flamboyance is a Hybrid Tea variety that features fragrant, salmon pink flowers held on long stems. The flowers begin in spring and continue...
The standard Rose Flamingo is a Hybrid Tea variety that features showy, pale pink flowers held on tall stems. The amazing blooms emerge in spring and...
Rose Fragrant Cloud is a Hybrid Tea variety that features highly fragrant, red-orange flowers held on long stems. The large and showy flowers emerge...
Rose Glorious is a Hybrid Tea variety that features large and fragrant, yellow flowers held on long stems. The flowers begin in spring and continue...
Rose Gold Medal is a Hybrid Tea variety that features yellow flowers with a touch of pink. The large and fragrant flowers emerge in spring and...
Rose Hamilton Gardens is a Hybrid Tea variety that features large and fragrant flowers which are a mix of apricot, cream, and pink. The flowers begin...
Rose Hannah Gordon is a Hybrid Tea variety that features large and fragrant, rose-pink and white flowers. The flowers begin in spring and continue...
Rose Harmonie is a Hybrid Tea variety that features large and fragrant, salmon-pink flowers held on long stems. The flowers begin in spring and...
Rose Heart Throb is a Hybrid Tea variety that features large and fragrant, pink flowers held on long stems. The flowers begin in spring and continue...
Rose Hi Ho Silver is a Hybrid Tea variety that features large and fragrant, lilac-blue flowers held on long stems. The flowers begin in spring and...
Rose Honor is a Hybrid Tea variety that features large and fragrant, white flowers held on long stems. The flowers begin in spring and continue until...
Rose Hot Chocolate is a Hybrid Tea variety that features large and fragrant, rusty brown coloured flowers held on long stems. The flowers begin in...
Rose Ice Cream is a Hybrid Tea variety that features large and fragrant, white flowers with a cream interior. The flowers begin in spring and...
Rose Ingrid Bergman is a Hybrid Tea variety that features velvety, deep-red flowers held on long stems. The showy and fragrant flowers emerge in...
Rose Josephine Bruce is a Hybrid Tea variety that features velvety, deep red flowers held on long stems. The fragrant flowers begin in spring and...
Rose Julia features large and fragrant, peach-brown-coloured flowers held on long stems. The flowers begin in spring and continue until autumn. The...
Rose Katherine Mansfield is a Hybrid Tea variety that features large and fragrant, pastel purple flowers. The flowers begin in spring and continue...
Rose Kiwi is a Floribunda variety that features terracotta-red flowers that are borne in clusters. The sweetly fragrant flowers begin in spring and...
Rose Kronenburg is a Hybrid Tea variety that features large and showy, red flowers with a yellow interior. The fragrant flowers begin in spring and...
Rose La Marseillaise is a Hybrid Tea variety that features large and fragrant, dark red flowers held on long stems. The flowers begin in spring and...
Rose Land of the Long White Cloud is a Hybrid Tea variety that features large and fragrant, cream-white flowers. The flowers begin in spring and...
Rose Landora is a Hybrid Tea variety that features soft yellow flowers held on long stems. The fragrant flowers begin in spring and continue until...
Rose Lantern is a Hybrid Tea variety that features large and showy, fragrant, soft pink flowers with a light orange underside. The flowers begin in...
Rose Lasting Love is a Hybrid Tea variety that features very showy, deep red flowers held on long stems. The fragrant blooms emerge in spring and...
Rose Little Opal is a Hybrid Tea variety that features medium-sized and fragrant, soft pink flowers. The flowers begin in spring and continue until...
Rose Liverpool Echo is a Hybrid Tea variety that features fragrant, salmon-pink flowers held on long stems. The flowers begin in spring and continue...
Rose Lolita is a Hybrid Tea variety that features showy, apricot flowers tinged with pink. The flowers begin in spring and continue until autumn. The...
Rose Love Heart is a Hybrid Tea variety that features very showy, bright red flowers held on long stems. The fragrant blooms emerge in spring and...
Rose Love You Mum is a Hybrid Tea variety that features showy, lightly fragrant, bright red flowers held on long stems. The flowers begin in spring...
Rose Lovely Lady is a Hybrid Tea variety that features very showy, bright pink flowers with a touch of apricot, held on long stems. The fragrant...
Rose Lovers Meeting is a Hybrid Tea variety that features fragrant, bright orange flowers held on long stems. The flowers begin in spring and...
Rose Loving Memory is a Hybrid Tea variety that features showy, velvet red flowers. The fragrant blooms emerge in spring and continue until autumn...
Rose Madam President is a Hybrid Tea variety that features showy, shell pink flowers held on long stems. The fragrant blooms emerge in spring and...
Rose Maggie Barry is a Hybrid Tea variety that features medium sized, coral pink-red flowers held on long stems. The flowers begin in spring and...
Rose Margaret Sherwood is a Hybrid Tea variety that features medium sized, cream-white flowers held on long stems. The flowers begin in spring and...
Rose Massey University is a Hybrid Tea variety that features large sized and fragrant, salmon pink flowers held on long stems. The flowers begin in...
Rose Matawhero Magic is a Hybrid Tea variety that features fragrant, soft orange flowers held on long stems. The flowers begin in spring and continue...
“Swany” is a deciduous shrub that features showy clusters of double, white flowers. The impressive blooms begin in spring and continue until autumn...
Rose Flower Carpet Apple Blossom features masses of showy, semi-double, pastel-pink flowers. Flowering begins in spring and will continue until the...
Rose Bantry Bay is a popular climbing rose. It features masses of scented, pink flowers which are borne continuously from late spring until autumn...
Rose Cherry Kisses is a popular and colourful climbing rose. It features masses of large and scented, pink-mauve flowers which are borne continuously...
The Claude Monet Standard Rose is a Hybrid Tea variety that features masses of showy flowers that are coloured with swirls of white, red, and yellow...
Rose Crimson Bouquet is a Hybrid Tea shrub rose that features masses of large and showy, crimson red flowers which begin in late spring and continues...
Rose Golden Showers is a popular and colourful climbing rose. It features masses of scented, golden yellow flowers which are borne continuously from...
Rose Handel is a colourful and fragrant climbing rose. It features masses of semi-double flowers which are silver-white with dark pink edges, and...
Rose Hans Christian Anderson is a shrub rose that features masses of showy, crimson red flowers which begin in late spring and continue until autumn...
Rose Jubilee Celebration is a magnificent shrub rose owing to its large and elegant, coral-coloured flowers. The scented blooms begin in late spring...
Rose Memorial Day produces masses of showy, bright pink flowers. The impressive blooms are fragrant and borne from spring through autumn. The foliage...
Rose Michelangelo is a magnificent shrub rose owing to its large and vibrant, golden yellow flowers. The scented blooms begin in late spring and...
Rose Pacific Glory is a magnificent shrub rose owing to its large and vibrant, bright pink flowers which are produced from late spring until autumn...
“Scarlet Queen Elizabeth” is a magnificent shrub rose owing to its fragrant, scarlet red flowers which are produced from late spring until autumn...
“Simply Stunning” is a magnificent shrub rose owing to its large and fragrant, velvet-red flowers. The showy blooms are borne on long stems with...
“Sir Edmund Hillary” is a popular climbing rose. It features masses of scented, white flowers with a cream centre which are borne continuously from...
“Sparkler” is a shrub rose that features masses of white flowers from late spring until autumn. The foliage comprises glossy, dark green leaves which...
“Tequila” is a shrub rose that features masses of brightly coloured, apricot-orange flowers from late spring until autumn. The foliage comprises...
“Trumpeter” is a magnificent shrub rose owing to its colourful display of bright red flowers. The showy and slightly fragrant blooms are borne as...
“Uetersen” is a very colourful climbing rose. It features large and showy, double flowers which are a vibrant pink colour. These beauties transform...
“V for Victory” is a magnificent shrub rose owing to its colourful display of vibrant, yellow flowers. The showy and fragrant blooms start to appear...
“Victor Borge” is a magnificent shrub rose owing to its large and showy flowers which are a mix of orange, peach, and yellow. The fragrant blooms...
Rose Annies Girl is a shrub that features refreshingly fragrant, double, pink flowers with an apricot-coloured centre. Flowering begins in spring and...
Rose Aotearoa is a Hybrid Tea rose that features very fragrant, soft pink flowers held on long stems. The flowers begin in spring and continue until...
Rose Auckland Metro is a Hybrid Tea rose that features fragrant, cream-white flowers with a soft pink undertone, and are held on long stems. The...
Rose Blackberry Nip is a Hybrid Tea variety that features fragrant, purple-pink flowers which are held on long stems. The flowers begin in spring and...
Rose Claude Monet is a shrub rose that features masses of showy flowers that are coloured with swirls of white, red, and yellow. The scented blooms...
The Standard Rose Crimson Bouquet is a Hybrid Tea variety that features masses of large and showy, crimson red flowers which begin in late spring and...
The Deep Secret standard rose is a Hybrid Tea variety that features velvety, dark red flowers held on long stems. The fragrant flowers begin in...
The Fragrant Cloud standard rose is a Hybrid Tea rose featuring highly fragrant, red-orange flowers held on long stems. The large and showy flowers...
Rose Henri Matisse is a Hybrid Tea variety that features highly fragrant, red and pink flowers held on long stems. The large and showy flowers emerge...
The Henri Matisse standard rose is a Hybrid Tea variety that features highly fragrant, red and pink flowers held on long stems. The large and showy...
The Ingrid Bergman standard rose is a Hybrid Tea variety that features velvety, deep-red flowers held on long stems. The showy and fragrant flowers...
The Gold Medal standard rose is a Hybrid Tea variety that features yellow flowers with a touch of pink held on long stems. The large and fragrant...
The Rose Just Joey standard is a Hybrid Tea variety that features large and fragrant, bright orange-pink flowers held on long stems. The flowers...
The Lasting Love standard rose is a Hybrid Tea variety that features very showy, deep red flowers held on long stems. The fragrant blooms emerge in...
Rose Love Me Do is a Hybrid Tea shrub rose that features showy, white flowers tinged with cream. The highly fragrant blooms emerge in spring and...
The standard rose Love Me Do is a Hybrid Tea variety that features showy, white flowers tinged with cream. The highly fragrant blooms emerge in...
The Loving Memory standard rose is a Hybrid Tea variety that features showy, velvet red flowers. The fragrant blooms emerge in spring and continue...
Rose My Girl is a Hybrid Tea variety that features clusters of rose-pink flowers which age to develop lavender tones. The fragrant and very showy...
The My Girl standard rose is a Hybrid Tea variety that features clusters of rose-pink flowers which age to develop lavender tones. The fragrant and...
“Remember Me” is a Hybrid Tea rose that features two-toned orange flowers on tall stems. The showy blooms emerge in spring and continue until autumn...
“Romeo” is a Hybrid Tea shrub rose that features dark red flowers on tall stems. The showy blooms emerge in spring and continue until autumn provided...
“Romeo” is a Hybrid Tea rose that features dark red flowers on tall stems. The showy blooms emerge in spring and continue until autumn provided the...
“Sally Holmes” is a Hybrid Tea shrub rose that features clusters of fragrant, white flowers with a soft-pink blush. The showy blooms emerge in spring...
“Sally Holmes” is a Hybrid Tea rose that features clusters of fragrant, white flowers with a soft-pink blush. The showy blooms emerge in spring and...
Rose Absolutely Fabulous is a popular Floribunda rose that features showy clusters of orange-yellow flowers from spring until autumn. The foliage...
Rose Alexander is a cheerful Hybrid Tea shrub rose that features rich orange-red flowers. The amazing blooms emerge in spring and continue until...
Rose Alexander is a cheerful Hybrid Tea rose that features rich orange-red flowers. The amazing blooms emerge in spring and continue until autumn...
Rose Black Beauty is an award-winning rose that features masses of velvety, dark red-black flowers. The fragrant blooms emerge in spring and continue...
The Friesia standard rose is a Floribunda variety that features masses of large and showy, rich-yellow flowers. The heavily scented blooms emerge in...
The Lemon and Lime standard rose is a very popular, Floribunda variety that features masses lemon-coloured flowers with green tinges. The showy...
Rose Love Always is a popular, Floribunda shrub rose that features masses of rich pink flowers. The fragrant blooms emerge in spring and continue...
Rose Love Always is a popular, Floribunda rose that features masses of rich pink flowers. The fragrant blooms emerge in spring and continue until...
The standard rose Margaret Merril is a popular, Floribunda rose that features masses of pure white flowers. The fragrant blooms emerge in spring and...
The Mutabilis standard rose is a Floribunda variety that features flowers that change colours. They start off pale, age to pink, then finally turn...
Rose Oranges and Lemons is a Floribunda shrub rose that features masses of showy flowers with yellow and orange stripes. The impressive blooms emerge...
The Oranges and Lemons standard rose is a Floribunda variety that features masses of showy flowers with yellow and orange stripes. The impressive...
The Pacific Glory standard rose is a very popular, Floribunda variety that features large and vibrant, bright pink flowers which are produced from...
“Simply Stunning” is a very popular, Floribunda rose that features large and fragrant, velvet-red flowers. The showy blooms are borne on long stems...
“Trumpeter” is a Floribunda rose that features a colourful display of bright red flowers. The showy and slightly fragrant blooms are borne as...
“Wild Cherry” is a magnificent shrub rose owing to its colourful display of cherry red flowers. The showy blooms are borne as clusters with flowering...
“Wild Cherry” is a Floribunda rose that features a colourful display of cherry red flowers. The showy blooms are borne as clusters with flowering...
The Golden Celebration standard rose is a magnificent shrub owing to its rich yellow flowers. The heavily scented blooms begin in late spring and...
The Rose Jubilee Celebration standard is a magnificent variety owing to its large and elegant, coral-coloured flowers. The scented blooms begin in...
The Mary Rose Standard is a David Austin variety that features very showy, rose-pink flowers. The intensely fragrant blooms emerge in spring and...
Rose Munstead Wood is an award-winning shrub rose that features deep-crimson red flowers with lighter coloured outer petals. The velvety and fragrant...
The Munstead Wood standard rose is an award-winning rose that features deep-crimson red flowers with lighter coloured outer petals. The velvety and...
“Summer Song” is a fantastic shrub rose that features stunning, red-orange flowers. The sweetly scented blooms emerge in spring and continue until...
“Summer Song” is a fantastic rose that features stunning, red-orange flowers. The sweetly scented blooms emerge in spring and continue until autumn...
“William Shakespeare” is a fantastic shrub rose that features stunning, dark purple-red flowers. The sweetly scented blooms emerge in spring and...
“William Shakespeare” is a fantastic rose that features stunning, dark purple-red flowers. The sweetly scented blooms emerge in spring and continue...
Rose Bonica is a pretty shrub rose that bears masses of mid-pink flowers. The flowers begin in spring and continue until autumn. The foliage...
Rose Dainty Diana is a pretty shrub rose that bears masses of salmon-pink flowers. The mildly fragrant flowers begin in spring and continue until...
Rose Fantasy is a pretty, shrub rose that bears lovely white flowers with a light pink edge. The flowers begin in spring and continue until autumn...
Rose Goldilocks is a pretty, shrub rose that bears showy, bright yellow flowers. The heavily scented flowers begin in spring and continue until...
Rose Lavender Lace is an exceptional shrub rose that bears amazing, peony-like, lavender coloured flowers. The moderately fragrant flowers begin in...
“Topsy Turvey” is a pretty, shrub rose that produces the most amazing red and white flowers. The flowers begin in spring and continue until autumn...
Rose Magic Dragon is a climbing rose that bears masses small but showy, scarlet red flowers. The flowers begin in spring and continue in flushes...
Rose Ace of Hearts is a Hybrid Tea shrub rose that features impressive, scarlet red flowers on tall stems from spring until autumn. The foliage...
Rose Big Daddy is a Hybrid Tea shrub rose that features showy, scarlet red flowers with an orange undertone. The lightly fragrant blooms emerge in...
Rose Camara is a Hybrid Tea variety that features exquisite, scarlet red flowers. The amazing blooms emerge in spring and continue until autumn...
Rose Chartreuse De Parme is a popular Hybrid Tea variety that features exquisite lavender-coloured flowers. The fragrant blooms emerge in spring and...
Rose Chicago Peace is a Hybrid Tea shrub rose that features rich pink flowers with an orange blush. The mildly fragrant blooms emerge in spring and...
Rose Duet is a Hybrid Tea shrub variety that features large and showy, pink flowers. The lightly scented blooms emerge in spring and continue until...
Rose Electron is a Hybrid Tea variety that features large and showy, cherry-pink flowers on tall stems. The mildly fragrant blooms emerge in spring...
Rose First Love is a Hybrid Tea variety that features beautiful pink flowers held on tall stems. The lightly fragrant blooms emerge in spring and...
Rose Flamingo is a Hybrid Tea variety that features showy, pale pink flowers held on tall stems. The amazing blooms emerge in spring and continue...
Rose Heaven Scent is a beautiful Hybrid Tea variety that features pink flowers with a lavender undertone. The heavily scented blooms emerge in spring...
Rose Iced Ginger is a Floribunda shrub rose that features light orange flowers with a pink undertone. The lightly scented blooms emerge in spring and...
Rose Kate Sheppard is a Hybrid Tea variety that features salmon-pink flowers flushed with orange. The moderately fragrant blooms emerge in spring and...
Rose National Trust is a Hybrid Tea variety that features very showy, red flowers held on long stems. The impressive blooms emerge in spring and...
Rose Olympic Torch is a Hybrid Tea variety that features very showy, pink-red and cream-coloured flowers held on long stems. The impressive blooms...
Rose Paddy Stephens is a popular Hybrid Tea variety that features flowers that are orange at the centre and salmon-pink to the exterior. The lightly...
Rose Pink Silk is a Hybrid Tea rose featuring bright pink flowers held on long stems. The mildly fragrant flowers begin in spring and continue until...
Rose Pascali is a Hybrid Tea variety that features very showy, cream-white flowers held on long stems. The impressive blooms emerge in spring and...
Rose Princess De Monaco is a Hybrid Tea shrub rose that features very showy, pink flowers held on long stems. The blooms emerge in spring and...
“Racy Lady” is a Hybrid Tea shrub rose that features very showy, white flowers held on long stems. The highly fragrant blooms emerge in spring and...
Rose Gaujard is a Hybrid Tea shrub rose that features cherry red flowers with a light pink underside. The mildly fragrant blooms emerge in spring and...
“Spiced Coffee” is a popular Hybrid Tea shrub rose that features very showy flowers that are pale beige with lavender-pink towards the edges. The...
“Tess” is a Hybrid Tea shrub rose that features large and showy flowers that are a soft apricot colour with a shade of pink. The fragrant blooms...
“Whisky Mac” is a Hybrid Tea shrub rose that features masses of showy, yellow flowers held on long stems. The highly fragrant blooms emerge in spring...
“Wise Woman” is a Hybrid Tea shrub rose that features very pretty, pink flowers. The lightly fragrant blooms emerge in spring and continue until...
Rose Paradise is a Hybrid Tea shrub rose that features showy, lavender-purple flowers with dark pink-red highlights. The moderately fragrant blooms...
Rose Perfume Delight is a popular Hybrid Tea shrub rose that features very showy, rose-pink flowers held on long stems. The fragrant blooms emerge in...
“Sylvia” is a Hybrid Tea shrub rose that features elegant, pink flowers held on long stems. The fragrant blooms emerge in spring and continue until...
Rose Beach Baby is a Floribunda variety that features large and showy, apricot-coloured flowers. The moderately fragrant blooms emerge in spring and...
Rose Bridal Pink is a Floribunda variety that features very showy, soft pink flowers. The heavily scented blooms emerge in spring and continue until...
Rose Chocoholic is a climbing shrub rose that features rich red flowers. The fragrant blooms emerge in spring and continue until autumn. The foliage...
Rose Pink Parfait is a Floribunda shrub rose that features very showy, two-tone pink flowers held on long stems. The moderately fragrant blooms...
Rose Falstaff is a David Austin rose that features large and showy, dark red flowers that age to become a rich shade of purple. The heavily scented...
“Redoute” is a David Austin rose that features very elegant, soft pink flowers. The fragrant blooms emerge in spring and continue until autumn...
“The Alnwick Rose” is a David Austin rose that features large and showy, pink flowers held as clusters. The richly fragrant blooms emerge in spring...
“Scentasia” is an old fashioned shrub rose that features very showy, cream-white flower with a hint of apricot at the centre. The fragrant blooms...
“Souvenir De La Malmaison” is an old fashioned, climbing rose that features large and showy, pale pink flowers. The sweetly fragrant blooms emerge in...
Rose Birthday Present is a climbing rose that features very showy, dark red flowers with a velvety texture. The fragrant blooms emerge in spring and...
The Blackberry Nip climbing rose features very showy, purple flowers with a pink undertone held on long stems. The heavily scented blooms emerge in...
Rose Anniversary is an award winning, Floribunda shrub rose that features masses of showy, soft-pink flowers. The amazing blooms emerge in spring and...
Rose Anniversary is an award winning, Floribunda rose that features masses of showy, soft-pink flowers. The amazing blooms emerge in spring and...
Rose Old Port is a shrub rose that features masses of very showy, deep purple flowers which fade to lilac with age. The heavily scented blooms begin...
Rose Queen Elizabeth is a popular Floribunda shrub rose that features showy clusters of pink flowers. The amazing blooms emerge in spring and...
The Queen Elizabeth Standard Rose is a popular Floribunda variety that features showy clusters of pink flowers. The amazing blooms emerge in spring...
“Satchemo” is a shrub rose that produces masses of brilliant red flowers held in clusters. The blooms begin in late spring and continue until autumn...
“Sexy Rexy” is a very popular Floribunda shrub rose that features clusters of elegant, pink flowers. The impressive blooms emerge in spring and...
The Rose Claire Austin is a David Austin climbing rose that features very showy, cream-white flowers. The highly fragrant blooms emerge in spring and...
Rose LD Braithwaite is a David Austin shrub rose that features very showy, crimson red flowers held on long stems. The impressive blooms emerge in...
Rose Buff Beauty is an old-fashioned climbing rose that features very showy, apricot coloured flowers with a yellow undertone. The fragrant blooms...
Rose Gruss An Aachen is an old-fashioned rose that features very showy, cream and pink flowers. The fragrant blooms emerge in spring and continue...
Rose Albertine is a climbing rose featuring very showy, salmon-pink flowers. The highly fragrant blooms emerge in spring and continue until autumn...
Rose All My Love is a Hybrid Tea rose that features very showy, pink flowers. The sweetly scented blooms emerge in spring and continue until autumn...
Rose Bloomfield Abundance is a climbing rose that features showy, two-tone pink flowers. The impressive blooms are without scent and emerge in spring...
Rose Cecile Brunner is a climbing variety that produces masses of mid-sized, double, light pink flowers. The flowers are borne in large, loose...
Rose Compassion is a climbing rose that features very showy, pink flowers with an orange overtone. The highly fragrant blooms emerge in spring and...
Rose Madame Alfred Carriere is a climbing rose produces masses of double, pure white flowers from spring through autumn. The showy blooms are sweetly...
“School Girl” is a climbing rose that produces masses of apricot coloured flowers with a touch of pink. The showy blooms from spring through autumn...
“Westerland” is a popular climbing rose that features masses of salmon-apricot coloured flowers. They are borne continuously from late spring until...
“Zephrine Drouhin” is a popular climbing rose that features masses of large and showy, dark pink flowers. These are borne continuously from late...
Rose Paola is a Hybrid Tea variety that features very showy, dark red flowers held on long stems. The highly fragrant blooms emerge in spring and...
The Old Port standard rose is a lovely Floribunda variety that features masses of very showy, deep purple flowers which fade to lilac with age. The...
“Satchemo” is a lovely Floribunda rose that produces masses of brilliant red flowers held in clusters. The blooms begin in late spring and continue...
Rose Lavender Lassie is an old-fashioned shrub rose that is often used as a climber. It features soft-pink flowers borne in clusters. The fragrant...
Rose Minnie Watson is a pretty, Hybrid Tea shrub rose that bears masses of salmon pink flowers. The mildly fragrant flowers begin in spring and...
“Sunstrike” is a Floribunda shrub rose that bears masses of deep yellow flowers. The mildly fragrant flowers begin in spring and continue until...
“Tequila Sunrise” is a magnificent shrub rose owing to its colourful, red and yellows flowers. The showy blooms are borne on long stems with...
Rose Burning Sky is a Hybrid Tea shrub rose that features showy, dual-coloured flowers. The scented blooms begin in late spring and continue until...
Rose Penelope is a popular shrub rose that features showy clusters of cream-pink flowers. The highly fragrant and semi-double blooms emerge in spring...
Rose Casino is a climbing variety that features very showy, pale-yellow flowers held on long stems. The heavily scented blooms emerge in summer and...
“Yellow Splash” is a magnificent small, shrub rose owing to its colourful display of intense yellow flowers. The showy blooms are borne as clusters...
“Pink Baby” is a magnificent small, shrub rose owing to its colourful display of pink flowers. The showy blooms are borne as clusters from late...
“Cream Dream” is a magnificent small, shrub rose owing to its colourful display of cream flowers tinged with pinks. The showy blooms are borne as...
Alba is a variety of rose that produces masses of pure white flowers through late spring and summer. The fragrant and single blooms are produced in...
Rose Flower Carpet Scarlet is a ground cover rose that features masses of showy, scarlet red flowers. The flowers are complemented with glossy, dark...
Rose Flower Carpet Sunset is a popular ground cover rose that features masses of showy, orange flowers. The flowers are complemented with glossy...
Rose Flower Carpet Amber is a popular ground cover rose that features masses of showy, soft-orange flowers. Flowering begins in spring and will...
"Truly Special" is a magnificent standard rose owing to its colourful and highly fragrant, warm-pink flowers. The showy blooms are produced from late...
The Heaven Scent standard rose is a beautiful Hybrid Tea variety that features pink flowers with a lavender undertone. The heavily scented blooms...
The Burgundy Iceberg Standard Rose is a very popular, Floribunda rose that features masses of very showy, burgundy-coloured flowers. The lightly...
The Graham Thomas Standard Rose is a David Austin variety that features very showy, pure yellow flowers. The fragrant blooms emerge in spring and...
“Spiced Coffee” is a popular Hybrid Tea rose that features very showy flowers that are pale beige with lavender-pink towards the edges. The fragrant...
The Rose Desiree standard is a Hybrid Tea rose featuring fragrant, soft pink flowers held on long stems. The fragrant flowers begin in spring and...
The Elina standard rose features cream-yellow flowers held on long stems. The fragrant flowers begin in spring and continue until autumn. The foliage...
Rose Moody Blues is a Floribunda variety that features lavender-coloured flowers. The lightly fragrant flowers begin in spring and continue until...
The Moody Blues standard rose is a Floribunda variety that features lavender-coloured flowers. The lightly fragrant flowers begin in spring and...
Rose Peace is an extraordinary Hybrid Tea variety that features showy, cream-coloured flowers with soft-pink highlights, held on long stems. The...
Rose Perdita is a beautiful David Austin shrub rose that features showy, soft-apricot-coloured flowers. The highly fragrant blooms emerge in spring...
Rose Perdita Standard is a beautiful David Austin shrub rose that features showy, soft-apricot-coloured flowers. The highly fragrant blooms emerge in...
Rose Champagne Moment is a beautiful floribunda shrub rose that features showy, cream-coloured flowers with a soft-apricot centre. The lightly...
The Champagne Moment Standard Rose is a beautiful floribunda variety that features showy, cream-coloured flowers with a soft-apricot centre. The...
Rose Lemon Ruffle is a shrub rose that features ruffled, lemon-yellow flowers. The colouring lightens as the lightly fragrant blooms age. Flowering...
“Lemon Ruffle” is a beautiful shrub rose that features ruffled, lemon-yellow flowers. The colouring lightens as the lightly fragrant blooms age...
“White Romance” is a very popular shrub rose that features masses pure white flowers. The showy blooms emerge in spring and continue until autumn...
“Strawberry Blonde” is a popular shrub rose that features masses fragrant, apricot and peach-coloured flowers. The showy blooms emerge in spring and...
Rose Lest We Forget is a popular shrub rose that features masses lightly fragrant, dark red flowers. The showy blooms emerge in spring and continue...
“Lest We Forget” is a popular shrub rose that features masses lightly fragrant, dark red flowers. The showy blooms emerge in spring and continue...
The Diamonds Forever standard rose is a popular variety that features masses fragrant, soft-yellow flowers. The showy blooms emerge in spring and...
The standard rose Ginger Kisses is a popular variety that features gorgeous, burnt orange flowers. The fragrant blooms emerge in spring and continue...
Rose Green With Envy is a shrub that features gorgeous, lime green flowers. The blooms emerge in spring and continue until autumn. The foliage...
The standard rose Green With Envy features gorgeous, lime green flowers. The blooms emerge in spring and continue until autumn. The foliage comprises...
Rose Pascali is a Hybrid Tea shrub rose that features very showy, cream-white flowers held on long stems. The impressive blooms emerge in spring and...
Rose Cameo Cream is a popular shrub rose that features showy clusters of white flowers with a cream undertone. The fragrant blooms emerge in spring...
The Cameo Cream standard rose is a popular variety that features showy clusters of white flowers with a cream undertone from spring until autumn. The...
Rose Nostalgia is a beautiful shrub rose that features showy clusters of dual-coloured flowers on long stems. The exquisite blooms have a cream...
The Nostalgia Standard Rose features showy clusters of dual-coloured flowers on long stems. The exquisite blooms have a cream centre and are...
“Scent to Remember” is a magnificent rose owing to its large and showy, peach-apricot coloured flowers. The scented blooms are produced from late...
“Raspberry Ice” is a Floribunda rose that features large and showy flowers that are cream with a raspberry-coloured margin. The lightly fragrant...
“Sexy Rexy” is a very popular Floribunda shrub rose that features clusters of elegant, pink flowers. The impressive blooms emerge in spring and...
Rose Ann Turner is a climbing rose that features masses of double, pink flowers. The blooms emerge in spring and continue until autumn provided the...
Rose Flower Carpet Pink Splash is a popular ground cover rose that features masses of showy, white flowers splashed with bright pink. The flowers are...
Rose Nelson Girls is a Hybrid Tea variety that features very showy, cream and orange flowers with a pink blush. The impressive blooms emerge in...
Rose Black Jade produces miniature double flowers. The dark red, near black flowers are borne in loose clusters from spring through autumn. The...
Rose Baby Austin is a variety that produces miniature double flowers. The highly fragrant, apricot-pink flowers are borne in loose clusters from...
Rose Cappuccino is a popular shrub rose that features showy flowers that emerge with blush-pink tones and age to become coffee-coloured. Flowering...
The Cappuccino Standard rose features showy flowers that emerge with blush-pink tones and age to become coffee-coloured. Flowering begins in spring...
Rose Diamond Design is a popular shrub rose that features showy clusters of fragrant, double, cream-coloured flowers with a blush pink edge...
The standard rose Diamond Design is a popular variety that features showy clusters of fragrant, double, cream-coloured flowers with a blush pink...
"Tabasco" is a popular shrub rose that features showy clusters of double, tabasco-coloured flowers. Flowering begins in spring and continues until...
"Tabasco" is a popular shrub rose that features showy clusters of double, tabasco-coloured flowers. Flowering begins in spring and continues until...
"Waimarie" is a popular shrub rose that features showy clusters of double, dark pink flowers with a wonderful fragrance. Flowering begins in spring...
"Waimarie" is a popular shrub rose that features showy clusters of double, dark pink flowers with a wonderful fragrance. Flowering begins in spring...
Rose Coral Knockout is a colourful and compact shrub rose that features mildly highly fragrant, coral-red flowers. The amazing blooms emerge in...
The standard Rose Claire is a popular variety that features very showy and highly scented, double, pink flowers. Flowering begins in spring and...
Rose Claire is a popular shrub rose that features very showy and highly scented, double, pink flowers. Flowering begins in spring and continues until...
The Everlasting Hope standard rose features exquisite and highly fragrant, double, pink flowers. Flowering begins in spring and continues until...
Rose Everlasting Hope is a popular shrub rose that features exquisite and highly fragrant, double, pink flowers. Flowering begins in spring and...
Smokey Joe is a colourful and compact shrub rose featuring exquisite, orange flowers with a smoke-like overtone. The amazing blooms emerge in spring...
Royden is a cheerful floribunda shrub rose that features highly fragrant, soft orange-yellow flowers. The amazing blooms emerge in spring and...
Royden is a cheerful floribunda shrub rose that features highly fragrant, soft orange-yellow flowers. The amazing blooms emerge in spring and...
Rose Moonlight is a climbing rose that bears masses of white flowers with yellow centres. The flowers begin in spring and continue until autumn. The...
Rose Eye Of The Tiger is a popular floribunda shrub rose that features exquisite flowers that are yellow with an orange centre. Flowering begins in...
Rose Fellowship is a popular floribunda shrub rose that features exquisite and highly fragrant, semi-double, orange flowers. Flowering begins in...
Rose Eye Candy is a popular floribunda shrub rose that features exquisite flowers that are a brilliant candy pink colour. Flowering begins in spring...
Rose NZ Gardener is a beautiful, old-fashioned shrub rose that features showy clusters of lightly fragrant, pastel pink flowers. The exquisite blooms...
Rose Brilliant Pink Iceberg is a shrub rose that features masses of bright pink flowers from late spring until autumn. The foliage comprises glossy...
Rose Princess Anne is a David Austin shrub rose that features very showy, double pink flowers. The highly fragrant blooms emerge in spring and...
Rose Looking Good is a Hybrid Tea variety that features showy, two-tone pink flowers. The flowers begin in spring and continue until autumn. The...
Rose Eyes For You is a popular floribunda shrub rose that features exquisite flowers that are pink with a darker pink centre. Flowering begins in...
Rose Lichfield Angel is a David Austin variety that features large and fragrant, double, cream-coloured flowers. The flowers begin in spring and...
Rose Princess of Wales is a Floribunda shrub rose that features showy clusters of cream-white flowers. The mildly fragrant blooms emerge in spring...
Rose Purple Pizzazz is a Hybrid Tea shrub rose that features showy clusters of pink flowers that age to purple. The blooms emerge in spring and...
Rose Blush Noisette is a climbing rose that features small and elegant, pink flowers. The impressive blooms have a pleasant scent and age to become...
Rose Color Magic is a Hybrid Tea variety that features fragrant, two-tone pink flowers on long stems. The flowers begin in spring and continue until...
Growing colourful shrubs in your garden delivers a vast range of benefits:
We have the largest variety of Rose plants and the right one for your space. Our Rose plants have been selected to thrive in NZ’s climate. We grow and stock only the highest quality plants, sourcing them locally, and from NZ’s leading nurseries. Each plant is packed and transported with extreme care, ensuring it arrives to you in the same condition it was in when it left the nursery. If you are wanting to buy Rose plants, shop with confidence from the best in the industry.
1. What is the best month to plant roses in NZ?
The best month to plant roses in New Zealand, the best time to plant roses is in late winter or early spring, from August to October. This is because the soil is still cool and moist, which is ideal for root development. The cooler temperatures will also help to reduce stress on the new plant.
2. What is the best season to buy rose plants?
The best season to buy rose plants is during their dormant period, usually in late winter or early spring. This is because the plants are not actively growing, so they are less stressed by transplanting. They will also have more time to establish themselves before the hot summer months arrive.
3. Are roses better in pots or the ground?
Whether roses are better in pots or the ground depends on your individual circumstances and preferences. Here are some of the pros and cons of each option:
Roses in pots
Roses in the ground
4. Which rose is easy to grow?
Some of the easiest roses to grow in New Zealand:
When choosing roses to grow in New Zealand, it is important to consider your climate, soil type, and available sunlight. You should also choose roses that are appropriate for your desired use, such as ground cover, climbing roses, or roses for cut flowers.
5. What are 10 facts about roses?
Here are 10 facts about roses:
6. What is special about rose?
Roses are considered to be special for many reasons, including their beauty, fragrance, symbolism, and historical significance.
Beauty: Roses are known for their stunning beauty, with delicate petals that come in a wide range of colors, from classic red and pink to more unusual shades like yellow, orange, and purple. Their intricate shapes and textures add to their visual appeal, making them a popular choice for gardens, bouquets, and decorative arrangements.
Fragrance: Roses possess a captivating fragrance that is both romantic and soothing. The scent of roses is often used in perfumes, colognes, and soaps, and it is associated with love, romance, and elegance.
Symbolism: Roses have a rich symbolic history, and their meaning varies depending on the culture and colour. In general, roses are symbols of love, beauty, passion, and desire. Red roses are specifically associated with romantic love, while pink roses symbolize gratitude, appreciation, and admiration. White roses represent purity, innocence, and sympathy, while yellow roses convey friendship, cheerfulness, and new beginnings.
Historical Significance: Roses have been cultivated for centuries, and they hold a special place in many cultures around the world. They have been mentioned in ancient literature, mythology, and art, and they have been used to express love, celebrate special occasions, and commemorate important events.
In addition to their aesthetic and symbolic qualities, roses also have practical uses. Rose petals are edible and can be used to make rose water, a popular ingredient in Middle Eastern cuisine. Rose hips, the fruit of the rose, are a rich source of vitamin C and can be used to make tea or jelly. Roses are also a valuable source of nectar for bees and other pollinators, playing an important role in maintaining healthy ecosystems.
7. What makes a rose beautiful?
Roses are widely admired for their beauty, which is a combination of several factors:
In addition to these physical characteristics, the beauty of a rose is also subjective and influenced by personal preferences and cultural associations. Some people may prefer the classic beauty of a red rose, while others may be drawn to the more unusual colors and shapes of modern rose varieties. Ultimately, what makes a rose beautiful is a matter of individual taste and appreciation.
8. What colour rose is best?
The best color of rose is a matter of personal preference. There are many different colors of roses, each with its own unique meaning and symbolism. Some of the most popular colors of roses include:
Ultimately, the best color of rose is the one that you find most beautiful and meaningful. Consider your personal preferences and the message you want to convey when choosing a rose color.
Whether you need assistance finding the plant you’re looking for or you simply want to know more about who we are and what we do, we invite you to get in touch with us today. A member of The Plant Company team will get back in touch as soon as possible.