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The Plant Company grows, sells, and ships Taxodium trees throughout NZ. We pride ourselves on producing high quality plants and seeing the joy from our customers when they receive them. We do hope you enjoy them and support this NZ business that is passionate about Taxodium trees.

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Taxodium distichum Cascade Falls

Taxodium distichum Cascade Falls is a variety of the commonly known, Swamp Cypress, and is a fabulous weeping tree that will tolerate heavy soils...


Other varieties of Taxodium – Out of stock

Taxodium distichum

Taxodium distichum, commonly known as the Bald Cypress or Swamp Cypress, is a conifer that grows as an upright tree to about 30 m tall and 8 m wide...


Taxodium mucronatum

Taxodium mucronatum, commonly known as the Montezuma Cypress, is a large and stately, evergreen tree native to Mexico. It has a broad, spreading...


Taxodium McLaren Falls

Taxodium Mclaren Falls is a variety of the commonly known, Swamp Cypress, and is a fabulous weeping tree that will tolerate heavy soils. The rich...


Taxodium Mexicanum

Taxodium Mexicanum, commonly known as the Mexican Swamp Cypress, is a fabulous tree that will tolerate heavy soils. The rich green, somewhat feathery...


New Zealand’s Best Taxodium Trees

Growing colourful trees in your garden delivers a vast range of benefits:

We have the largest variety of Swamp Cypress trees, and we have the right one for your space. Our Taxodium trees have been selected to thrive in NZ’s climate. We grow and stock only the highest quality plants, sourcing them locally, and from NZ’s leading nurseries. Each plant is packed and transported with extreme care, ensuring it arrives to you in the same condition it was in when it left the nursery. If you are wanting to buy Taxodium trees, shop with confidence from the best in the industry.

Common questions about growing Taxodium

1. How fast do bald cypress trees grow?

Bald cypress trees (Taxodium distichum) are moderately fast-growing trees, typically adding 1 to 2 feet (0.3 to 0.6 meters) in height each year. They can reach a mature height of 60 to 80 feet (18 to 24 meters) with a spread of 20 to 25 feet (6 to 7.5 meters).

The growth rate of bald cypress trees can vary depending on several factors, including soil conditions, sunlight exposure, and water availability. In ideal conditions, bald cypress trees can grow up to 3 feet (0.9 meters) per year. However, in poor conditions, their growth rate may be as slow as 0.5 feet (0.15 meters) per year.

2. Where can I find bald cypress?

Bald cypress trees (Taxodium distichum) are native to the southeastern United States, ranging from Delaware to Texas and as far west as the Mississippi River. They are typically found in swamps, along riverbanks, and in other wet areas.

Here are some specific locations where you can find bald cypress trees:

3. Is Taxodium an evergreen?

Taxodium distichum, commonly known as bald cypress, is a deciduous conifer, meaning it loses its leaves in autumn. This is in contrast to most other conifers, which are evergreen and retain their needles year-round.

The deciduous nature of bald cypress trees is an adaptation to their wetland habitat. In the fall, when the days get shorter and the temperatures drop, the trees shed their leaves to conserve water and protect themselves from frost damage. The bare branches of the trees also allow sunlight to reach the ground, which helps to promote the growth of new plants.

4. Are bald cypress slow growing?

Yes, bald cypress trees (Taxodium distichum) are considered slow-growing trees. They typically add 1 to 2 feet (0.3 to 0.6 meters) in height each year. This means that it can take them many years to reach their full mature height of 60 to 80 feet (18 to 24 meters).

The slow growth rate of bald cypress trees is due to a number of factors, including their wetland habitat, their dense wood, and their long lifespan. In wetland environments, where resources can be limited, bald cypress trees have evolved to conserve energy and grow slowly. Their dense wood, which is resistant to rot and decay, also contributes to their slow growth rate. Additionally, bald cypress trees are known for their long lifespan, often living for hundreds of years.

5. What is the lifespan of a bald cypress tree?

Bald cypress trees (Taxodium distichum) are known for their long lifespans, often living for hundreds of years. The oldest known bald cypress tree is located in Big Cypress National Preserve in Florida and is estimated to be over 600 years old.

Several factors contribute to the longevity of bald cypress trees:

  1. Adaptation to Wetland Habitat: Bald cypress trees have evolved to thrive in wetland environments, which provide them with abundant water and nutrients. These conditions are conducive to slow and steady growth, a characteristic associated with long lifespans.
  2. Dense and Rot-Resistant Wood: Bald cypress trees possess dense, heartwood that is naturally resistant to decay and rot. This protective layer helps to shield the tree from damage caused by insects, fungi, and moisture, prolonging its lifespan.
  3. Resilience to Environmental Stress: Bald cypress trees are capable of tolerating a wide range of environmental conditions, including flooding, drought, and fluctuations in salinity. This adaptability allows them to persist even in challenging environments.
  4. Efficient Energy Conservation: Bald cypress trees have evolved strategies to conserve energy, such as shedding their needles in the fall to reduce water loss during the dormant season. This efficient use of resources contributes to their overall longevity.
  5. Limited Competition: In wetland habitats, bald cypress trees often face less competition from other tree species for resources, such as sunlight and nutrients. This reduced competition allows them to grow and mature at their own pace, contributing to their long lifespan.
  6. Genetic Predisposition: Bald cypress trees possess inherent genetic traits that predispose them to longevity. These traits are passed down through generations, ensuring that the species continues to produce long-lived individuals.

6. Why is my bald cypress dying?

Bald cypress trees are known for their longevity and resilience, often living for hundreds of years. However, even these hardy trees can succumb to various factors that can lead to their decline and eventual death.

Here are some of the possible reasons why your bald cypress tree might be dying:

  1. Inappropriate Planting Location: Bald cypress trees are native to wetland habitats and thrive in moist, well-drained soils. Planting them in areas with poor drainage, excessive dryness, or harsh environmental conditions can lead to stress and decline.
  2. Root Damage: Bald cypress trees have extensive root systems that are sensitive to disturbances. Damage to roots, whether from construction activities, soil compaction, or excessive grade changes, can disrupt the tree's ability to absorb water and nutrients, leading to decline.
  3. Fungal Diseases: Bald cypress trees can be susceptible to fungal diseases, such as Ceratocystis canker and Phytophthora root rot. These diseases can weaken the tree's defenses and make it more vulnerable to other stressors.
  4. Insect Pests: Certain insect pests, such as cypress bark beetles and ambrosia beetles, can attack bald cypress trees, causing damage to the bark, cambium layer, and sapwood. These infestations can weaken the tree and make it more susceptible to disease and decline.
  5. Nutrient Deficiencies: Bald cypress trees require adequate nutrients, particularly nitrogen and phosphorus, for healthy growth. Deficiencies in these essential elements can lead to stunted growth, chlorosis, and overall decline.
  6. Environmental Stress: Extreme environmental conditions, such as prolonged drought, flooding, or sudden temperature fluctuations, can put excessive stress on bald cypress trees, making them more susceptible to disease and decline.
  7. Age-Related Decline: As bald cypress trees age, their growth rate slows, and their physiological processes become less efficient. Over time, this natural aging process can lead to a gradual decline in the tree's health and vitality.

If you notice signs of decline in your bald cypress tree, such as yellowing or browning of foliage, stunted growth, or dieback of branches, it is important to identify the underlying cause promptly. Consulting with a professional arborist or tree care specialist can help you diagnose the problem and develop an appropriate treatment plan.

7. What is the identification of Taxodium?

The genus Taxodium belongs to the cypress family, Cupressaceae. It comprises three species of deciduous conifers native to North America and Asia:

  1. Taxodium distichum (Bald Cypress): This is the most widely distributed species, native to the southeastern United States and eastern Mexico. It is a large tree with a pyramidal form, reaching heights of up to 60 to 80 feet (18 to 24 meters). It is known for its needle-like leaves that turn yellow in the fall and fall off in the winter.
  2. Taxodium ascendens (Pond Cypress): This species is native to the southeastern United States and eastern Mexico. It is a smaller tree than bald cypress, typically reaching heights of 20 to 40 feet (6 to 12 meters). It has narrower leaves and a more conical shape.
  3. Taxodium mucronatum (Montezuma Cypress): This species is native to Mexico and Central America. It is the largest of the three species, reaching heights of up to 100 feet (30 meters). It has broader leaves and a more spreading form.

Taxodium trees are characterized by their deciduous nature, which is unusual among conifers. They typically grow in swampy or wetland habitats and have adapted to tolerate flooding and poor drainage. Their wood is resistant to rot and decay, making it valuable for construction and other purposes.

8. What are 3 characteristics of a bald cypress?

Bald cypress trees (Taxodium distichum) are known for their unique characteristics and adaptability, making them a popular choice for landscaping and conservation projects. Here are three distinguishing features of bald cypress trees:

  1. Deciduous Nature: Unlike most conifers, which retain their needles year-round, bald cypress trees are deciduous, shedding their needle-like leaves in the fall. This adaptation helps them conserve energy during the dormant season and allows sunlight to reach the ground, promoting understory growth.
  2. Wetland Habitat: Bald cypress trees are native to wetland environments, such as swamps, floodplains, and along riverbanks. They have evolved to tolerate flooding and poor drainage, making them a valuable species for wetland restoration and shoreline stabilization.
  3. Unique Root System: Bald cypress trees are known for their distinctive root structures, which include "knees" that emerge above the ground. These structures are thought to aid in the tree's ability to absorb oxygen and nutrients in flooded conditions.

In addition to these three key characteristics, bald cypress trees are also valued for their longevity, often living for hundreds of years, their resistance to pests and diseases, and their aesthetically pleasing form. They provide shade, privacy, and a sense of tranquility to landscapes, making them a versatile and desirable tree species.

9. What is the male cone of Taxodium?

The male cone of Taxodium, also known as the pollen cone or staminate strobilus, is a small, slender structure that produces pollen for reproduction. It typically appears in clusters on the branch tips during early spring. The male cone is composed of numerous spirally arranged scales, each bearing several pollen sacs. When mature, the scales open, releasing the pollen grains into the wind to fertilize female cones.

Here are some key characteristics of Taxodium male cones:

The presence of male cones is an important indicator of the reproductive maturity of Taxodium trees. Their timely pollination is crucial for the production of seeds and the continuation of the species.

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