The Plant Company grows, sells, and ships Nut Trees throughout NZ. We pride ourselves on producing high quality plants and seeing the joy from our customers when they receive them. We do hope you enjoy them and support this NZ business that is passionate about Nut Trees.
“1005” is a popular variety of Chestnut owing to its heavy yields of tasty nuts. Showy clusters of cream-green flowers in spring result in tasty nuts...
Juglans nigra, commonly known as Black Walnut or Eastern Black Walnut, is a large, deciduous tree grown for its edible nuts. Leaves emerge a fresh...
Commonly known as the Pine Nut, this is an attractive tree that has a variety of uses including the production of nuts. It grows with an upright and...
“TM2” is a fantastic variety of Macadamia due to its long fruiting period and tasty nuts. The nuts ripen in autumn and are of good size with a lovely...