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The Plant Company grows and sells thousands of perennial plants throughout NZ. We pride ourselves on producing high quality plants and seeing the joy from our customers when they receive them. We do hope you enjoy them and support this NZ business that is passionate about perennial plants.

Garden Style


Flower Colour

Flowering Season


Fragrant Flowers

NZ Native

Coastal Conditions


Euphorbia glauca

Euphorbia glauca is a NZ native herbaceous perennial that features attractive soft, blue-green foliage. It typically growing to 1 m tall and...


Salvia corrugata

Salvia corrugata is an herbaceous perennial grown for its rich display of flowers through spring and summer. It produces flower spikes with masses of...


Agapanthus Bertsbrook

Agapanthus Bertsbrook is an herbaceous perennial that produces beautiful, mid-blue flowers throughout summer. The petals have an interesting darker...


Agapanthus Gayles Lilac

Agapanthus Gayles Lilac features showy, lilac-blue flowers from spring though summer. These are held as loose clusters on sturdy stems that rise...


Agapanthus Seafoam

Agapanthus Seafoam is a semi-dwarf variety that produces pure white flowers through summer. The showy flowers are borne in loose clusters on stems...


Agapanthus Silver Baby

Agapanthus Silver Baby is a dwarf variety that produces white flowers with a subtle ice-blue edge through summer. The showy flowers are held as loose...


Agapanthus Streamline

Agapanthus Streamline features large and showy clusters of light blue flowers through spring and summer. These are held above the dark green...


Anigozanthos flavidus

This variety of Anigozanthos flavidus, commonly known as Kangaroo Paw, is grown for its unusual flowers. It produces clusters of tubular...


Salvia jamensis White

Salvia jamensis White is a white Sage plant that is grown for its rich display of flowers from spring through autumn. It produces short flower spikes...


Begonia fuchsioides

Begonia fuchsioides, commonly known as the Begonia shrub or Fuchsia Begonia, grows as a bushy plant with small and glossy, dark green leaves held on...


Bergenia cordifolia

Bergenia cordifolia is an herbaceous perennial that features large and glossy, green leaves that are wavy, arranged as a spiral rosette, and will...


Bergenia Rotblum

Bergenia Rotblum is an herbaceous perennial grown for its lush foliage and pretty flowers. The large and glossy, green leaves are wavy, arranged as a...


Brunnera Silver Heart

Brunnera Silver Heart is an herbaceous perennial grown for its heart shaped, silver and green leaves. The lush foliage has narrow, green veins and is...


Convolvulus cneorum

Convolvulus cneorum, commonly known as Silverbush, carries glossy, silver-grey leaves which are graced by showy, white flowers from late spring...


Dietes iridioides

Dietes iridioides, commonly known as the African Iris or Fortnight Lily, produces dainty flowers that are white with the outer petals marked with...


Dietes bicolor

Dietes bicolor, commonly known as the Fortnight Lily or Spanish Iris, is grown for its impressive flowers. It produces white, or sometimes light...


Dianthus Far North

Dianthus Far North is a variety of Carnation that produces double, pure white flowers. The plants are bushy and grow to about 20 cm tall and 30 cm...


Felicia amelloides

Felicia amelloides is an herbaceous perennial grown for its striking, daisy like flowers. The flowers are made up of the violet-blue rays and yellow...


Gazania Kiss Rose

Gazania Kiss Rose is grown for its abundant and vibrant flowers. It bares large and showy, rose-pink flowers continuously through spring and summer...


Colocasia esculenta Maui Gold

Colocasia are herbaceous perennials renowned for their lush and interesting foliage. “Maui Gold” has large and glossy, light green-yellow leaves held...


Agapanthus Baby Pete

Agapanthus Baby Pete, commonly known as African Lily or Lily of the Nile, is a dwarf variety that features stunning, blue flowers through summer. The...


Agapanthus Sarah

Agapanthus Sarah is a dwarf variety of Agapanthus that features showy, blue flowers through spring and summer. These are held as loose clusters on...


Canna Tropical Yellow

Canna Tropical Yellow features lush foliage coupled with impressive flowers. It carries large and glossy, dark green leaves which are held upright...


Kniphofia Border Ballet

Kniphofia Border Ballet is a variety of the commonly known, Red Hot Poker, and is grown for its colourful flowers. Stems rise above the foliage...

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