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The Plant Company grows and sells thousands of trees throughout NZ. We pride ourselves on producing high quality plants and seeing the joy from our customers when they receive them. We do hope you enjoy them and support this NZ business that is passionate about trees.

Garden Style


Flower Colour

Flowering Season


Fragrant Flowers

NZ Native

Coastal Conditions


Agathis australis

Agathis australis, commonly known as the Kauri Tree, is a stately, NZ native tree. The small leaves emerge lime green but quickly age to become a...


Beilschmiedia tarairi

Beilschmiedia tarairi, commonly known as the Taraire tree, is a unique, NZ native tree. Its prominent feature are the masses of olive-like, purple...


Carpodetus serratus

Carpodetus serratus, commonly known as the Putaputaweta Tree or Marbleleaf, is an attractive, NZ native tree with spreading branches that host...


Cordyline australis

Cordyline australis, commonly known as the Cabbage Tree, grows with a solitary trunk and hosts rosettes of long and lush, dark green leaves. The...


Corynocarpus laevigatus

Corynocarpus laevigatus, commonly known as Karaka, is a handsome, NZ native tree that features large and glossy, green leaves. The lush foliage is...


Dacrydium cupressinum

Dacrydium cupressinum, commonly known as Rimu or Red Pine, is an iconic and slow growing tree. The juvenile form has drooping branches which are...


Dacrycarpus dacrydioides

Dacrycarpus dacrydioides (aka Podocarpus dacrydioides), commonly known as Kahikatea or White Pine, is a slow growing, NZ native tree capable of...


Fuchsia excorticata

Fuchsia excorticata, commonly known as Kotukutuku or Tree Fuchsia, is the largest of the fuchsia species growing to 8 m tall and 4 m wide. The tree...


Hoheria sextylosa

Hoheria sextylosa, commonly known as Lacebark or the Lace Bark Tree, is a quick growing, NZ native tree. The bark has a lace like appearance, hence...


Knightia excelsa

Knightia excelsa, commonly known as Rewarewa, is an impressive NZ native tree featuring showy flowers and lush foliage. Unusual, yet attractive, dark...


Kunzea ericoides

Kunzea ericoides, commonly known as the Kanuka tree, is a fast growing, NZ native tree. It features small, dark green leaves which release a pleasant...


Melicope ternata

Melicope ternata, commonly known as Wharangi, this is a small, NZ native tree grown for its lovely foliage. This evergreen bears glossy, lime-green...


Melicytus ramiflorus

Melicytus ramiflorus, commonly known as Mahoe, is a mid-sized, NZ native tree featuring lush foliage which is bright green and tends to become darker...


Myoporum laetum

Myoporum laetum, commonly known as Ngaio, is a NZ native tree grown for its lush foliage and showy flowers. It features large and fleshy, green...


Pittosporum eugenioides

Pittosporum eugenioides, commonly known as Lemonwood or Tarata, features green-yellow foliage which has a strong lemony smell when crushed. Large...


Pittosporum ralphii

Pittosporum ralphii is a hardy, NZ native tree that features thick and leathery, light green leaves that have undersides densely clad with white...


Pittosporum tenuifolium

Pittosporum tenuifolium, commonly known as Kohuhu Pittosporum or Black Matipo, is an evergreen, NZ native tree growing up to 10 m tall and 3 m wide...


Plagianthus regius

Plagianthus regius, commonly known as Ribbonwood or Manatu, is a deciduous, NZ native tree which has both a juvenile and adult form. Juvenile plants...


Podocarpus totara

Podocarpus totara, otherwise known as the Tōtara tree, is an iconic, NZ native tree featuring needle-like, green foliage. It grows with a broad and...


Podocarpus totara Aurea

Podocarpus totara Aurea, commonly known as Golden Totara, features golden foliage, which is made up of short, needle-like leaves that are held...


Prumnopitys taxifolia

Prumnopitys taxifolia, commonly known as Matai, is a stately, NZ native tree with quite different juvenile and adult forms. The juvenile form has...


Pseudopanax arboreus

Pseudopanax arboreus, commonly known as Five Finger or Whauwhaupaku, is a NZ native tree that features glossy, dark green leaves that are divided...


Pseudopanax crassifolius

Pseudopanax crassifolius, commonly known as Lancewood or Horoeka, is a NZ native tree with a distinctive juvenile stage whereby it produces lance...


Sophora microphylla

Sophora microphylla features attractive fern-like foliage and a distinct juvenile stage. Young trees have tangled branches and may take up to 10...


Why Grow Trees?

Trees are indispensable to our planet's health and well-being. Foremost, they play a crucial role in mitigating climate change. They act as carbon sinks, absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and storing it in their biomass. Forests are vital in regulating global temperatures, preventing extreme weather events, and safeguarding our climate for future generations.

Trees are also essential for maintaining ecological balance. They provide habitat for countless species, from insects to birds and mammals. Forests are biodiversity hotspots, teeming with life. Additionally, they help prevent soil erosion, purify water, and reduce air pollution. Their roots hold the soil in place, preventing landslides and preserving fertile land.

Trees are fundamental to enhancing our quality of life. They provide shade and help cool our urban environments. Studies have shown that spending time in nature, surrounded by trees, can reduce stress, improve mental health, and boost creativity.

The importance of trees cannot be overstated. They are essential for a healthy planet, thriving ecosystems, and human well-being. By planting and protecting trees, we invest in a sustainable future for ourselves and generations to come. It is imperative that we recognize the invaluable contributions of these natural giants and take action to conserve and expand our forest cover.

Contact us

Whether you need assistance finding the plant you’re looking for or you simply want to know more about who we are and what we do, we invite you to get in touch with us today. A member of The Plant Company team will get back in touch as soon as possible.

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