Banvine is an herbicide used to control the most common broadleaf weeds and clovers in lawns. It will control Docks, Bindweeds, Sorrel, and Cape Ivy but it will not control Chickweed or Creeping Oxalis. It is applied at 75-110 ml Banvine in 10 litres water per 250 square metres. NB: Banvine may suppress or damage young fine turf so it should be used only on turf that is at least 12 months old with actively growing weeds. The lawn clippings should be mulched back onto the lawn for the three cuttings following treatment. Do not compost lawn clippings or send to a landfill that composts them until after the first three cuttings. Please read the instructions carefully before using this product.
Banvine - 1 Litre is currently unavailable.
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