Convolvulus Two Moons, Blue Morning Glory, Convolvulus sabatius Two Moons, clematis nike
Convolvulus Two Moons is a variety of the commonly known, Morning Glory plant, and produces funnel-shaped, white flowers as well as lilac-blue flowers, hence the common name. These are borne from summer through autumn above the dense, dark green foliage as it grows to 20 cm tall and 1 m wide. Convolvulus Two Moons is commonly used as a groundcover planted so it can trail over a wall or spill out onto a path, planted around outdoor living areas, or used in hanging baskets.
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Definitely kill off the grass. I recommend doing this, then putting down weedmat and mulch before planting. Work on the plants growing to cover about 1m2 each. So you may be looking at 1500-2000 plants given the size of area you want to cover.
Nice plants. Thank you.
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