“1005” is a popular variety of Chestnut owing to its heavy yields of tasty nuts. Showy clusters of cream-green flowers in spring result in tasty nuts in autumn which are encased in a prickly husk. They are borne amidst the lush, mid-green foliage which develops yellow tones in autumn before falling. It initially grows with a conical shape then broadens as is reaches 10 m tall and 6 m wide. It can be trimmed to keep it contained. Best performance with this variety is achieved when it is planted in full sun on a well-drained, semi-sheltered site. It is tolerant of short periods of dry, frost, and cool climates. “1005” makes a lovely specimen tree with the added advantage of tasty nuts. It also suits avenue planting or planting for commercial purposes. It does not require another variety planted nearby to produce fruit.
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