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Hydrangea Mathilda Gutges

Hydrangea Mathilda Gutges, Hydrangea macrophylla Mathilda Gutges, Hortensia Mathilda Gutges, Hydrangea Mathilda, Hydrangea macrophylla Mathilda Gutges, Mathilda Gutges, Hydrangea Mathilda Gutges Care, Hydrangea Mathilda Gutges Perennial, Mathilda Gutges Hydrangea Size

Hydrangea Mathilda Gutches features large, blue flower heads through summer and autumn. The flowers sit perfectly with the lush, dark green foliage as it grows to 1.2 m tall and the same wide. Hydrangea Mathilda Gutches is a great variety for adding to a mixed planting, maintaining in a container, growing as an informal hedge, including in a cottage garden, or for planting around an outdoor living area.


Hydrangea Mathilda Gutges is currently unavailable, but we do have other other amazing species and varieties of Hydrangea available.

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Why? Our plants are subject to seasonality and high-demand. Please contact us if you would like to know when it becomes available again.

Suited to regions:All regions
Plant type:Shrubs
Height:1.20 m
Spread:1.20 m
Flowering time:Summer, Autumn
Garden uses:Containers, Hedging, Living areas
Garden styles:Alpine, Backyard, City & Courtyard, Cottage, Formal, Frontyard, Japanese, Modern
Easy to grow?Yes
Maintenance requirementsSome
Growth rateMedium
Also known asHydrangea Mathilda Gutges, Hydrangea macrophylla Mathilda Gutges, Hortensia Mathilda Gutges, Hydrangea Mathilda, Hydrangea macrophylla Mathilda Gutges, Mathilda Gutges, Hydrangea Mathilda Gutges Care, Hydrangea Mathilda Gutges Perennial, Mathilda Gutges Hydrangea Size

Hydrangea macrophylla Mathilda Gutges

Hydrangea macrophylla Mathilda Gutches features large, blue flower heads through summer and autumn. On alkaline soils the colouring will lighten with pink shades developing. The flowers sit perfectly with the lush, dark green foliage. It grows as a multi-stemmed, deciduous shrub with a rounded form to about 1.2 m tall and the same wide and can be trimmed as necessary. Best results with this variety are achieved when it is grown in full sun or partial shade on a well-drained, sheltered site with a slightly acidic soil. It is hardy to cool climates, frost, and short periods of dry. Hydrangea macrophylla Mathilda Gutches is a great variety for adding to a mixed planting, maintaining in a container, growing as an informal hedge, including in a cottage garden, or for planting around an outdoor living area.

Can You Grow The Mathilda Gutges Hydrangea In Pots?

The Mathilda Gutges Hydrangea looks amazing when grown in a pot. Its smallish size and prolific flowering makes it a fabulous specimen. Choose a that is at least 50 cm all and wide and be sure to fill it with potting media and use fertiliser tablets so it flourishes. Trim the plant right back during winter so it comes away lush and flowers more prolifically.

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