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Alnus incana Aurea

Golden Alder, Alnus incana Aurea, Alnus glutinosa Aurea, Alnus Aurea, Alnus incana Aurea Golden Alder, Alnus incana Aurea Tree, Golden Alder Tree

Alnus incana Aurea, commonly known as Golden Alder, is grown for its beautifully coloured foliage. Golden foliage emerges in spring then ages to light green before turning yellow in the autumn and falling. The Golden Alder typically grows to 12 m tall and 6 m wide with best results achieved when it is grown on a well-drained site in full sun. Alnus incana Aurea makes for an attractive landscape specimen year-round and is commonly used for screening, shelter, or planted alongside waterways.


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Why? Our plants are subject to seasonality and high-demand. Please contact us if you would like to know when it becomes available again.

Suited to regions:All regions
Plant type:Trees
Height:12.00 m
Spread:6.00 m
Flowering time:
Tolerances:Coastal, Hardy
Garden uses:Parks, Ponds, Specimen
Garden styles:Alpine, Architectural, Coastal, Japanese, Modern
Easy to grow?Yes
Maintenance requirementsLow
Growth rateMedium
Also known asGolden Alder, Alnus incana Aurea, Alnus glutinosa Aurea, Alnus Aurea, Alnus incana Aurea Golden Alder, Alnus incana Aurea Tree, Golden Alder Tree

Alnus incana Aurea Details

Alnus incana Aurea, commonly known as Golden Alder, is grown for its beautifully coloured foliage. Golden foliage emerges in spring then ages to light green before turning yellow in the autumn and falling. Small, nutlike, cerise pink cones are produced in summer and become more apparent when the leaves drop and they remain on the tree through winter. The bark and branches of this small tree are also coloured orange-yellow which becomes more apparent during winter. The Golden Alder typically grows to 12 m tall and 6 m wide with best results achieved when it is grown on a well-drained site in full sun. It is tolerant of cool climates, frost, coastal conditions, and heavy soils which makes this tree quite versatile. Alnus incana Aurea makes for an attractive landscape specimen year-round and is commonly used for screening, shelter, or planted alongside waterways.

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