Griselinia Ardmore Emerald, Kapuka Ardmore Emerald, New Zealand Broadleaf, Griselinia littoralis Ardmore Emerald, Ardmore Emerald Griselinia, New Zealand Privet Hedge, Kāpuka Ardmore Emerald, Broadleaf Griselinia
Griselinia Ardmore Emerald, commonly known as Kapuka or NZ Broadleaf, is a fast growing, NZ native with dark green, glossy leaves with light yellow veins. Left untrimmed, this NZ Broadleaf will grow to 8 m tall and 4 m wide, but it is often clipped to sizes much less than this. Griselinia Ardmore Emerald is perfect for hedging and screening but is also often grown as a specimen, included in tropical gardens, or used as a backdrop for smaller plants.
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