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Myoporum laetum

Ngaio, Myoporum, Ngaio Tree, Myoporum Tree, Myoporum laetum Tree, Ngaio Myoporum laetum

Myoporum laetum, commonly known as Ngaio, is a NZ native tree grown for its lush foliage and showy flowers. It features large and fleshy, green leaves which become adorned with masses of lovely white flowers in summer. It grows densely initially and tends to become more open with age as it reaches 5 m tall and 3 m wide. Myoporum laetum is commonly included in coastal gardens, included in a mixed planting, grown for shelter or as a screen, or included in a native planting.

The average plant height is 220 cm
The average plant height is 240 cm

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Suited to regions:Subtropical, Temperate
Plant type:Trees
Height:5.00 m
Spread:3.00 m
Flowering time:Summer
Tolerances:Coastal, Hardy
Garden uses:Hedging, Ponds, Screening
Garden styles:Architectural, Backyard, City & Courtyard, Coastal, Formal, Frontyard, Modern, Native
Easy to grow?Yes
Maintenance requirementsLow
Growth rateMedium
Also known asNgaio, Myoporum, Ngaio Tree, Myoporum Tree, Myoporum laetum Tree, Ngaio Myoporum laetum

Myoporum laetum Details

Myoporum laetum, commonly known as Ngaio, is a NZ native tree grown for its lush foliage and showy flowers. It features large and fleshy, green leaves which are have oil glands that release an interesting aroma on warm days. Masses of lovely white flowers are produced in summer and are followed by red-purple berries. It grows densely initially and tends to become more open with age as it reaches 5 m tall and 3 m wide. It can be contained with trimming and performs best when planted in full sun or partial shade on a well-drained site. It is tolerant of coastal conditions, dry periods, some wind, and frost once established. Myoporum laetum is commonly included in coastal gardens, included in a mixed planting, grown for shelter or as a screen, or included in a native planting. NB: All parts of this tree are poisonous.

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