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Platanus acerifolia Pyramidalis

Platanus acerifolia Pyramidalis, Platanus x acerifolia Pyramidalis, London planetree, London Plane Sycamore, Platan Pyramidalis, Platanus Pyramidalis, Platanus hispanica Pyramidalis

Platanus acerifolia Pyramidalis, commonly known as the London Planetree or Sycamore Tree, is a large, deciduous tree grown for its foliage and stature. The foliage is lush, dark green, and has that fresh look about it. As autumn progresses the leaves develop a golden colour before falling. It typically grows with a pyramidal shape to about 10 m tall and spread 4 m wide. Platanus acerifolia Pyramidalis is ideal for avenues, parks, as a shade tree, or growing as a specimen.


Platanus acerifolia Pyramidalis is currently unavailable.

Why? Our plants are subject to seasonality and high-demand. Please contact us if you would like to know when it becomes available again.

Suited to regions:All regions
Plant type:Trees
Height:10.00 m
Spread:4.00 m
Flowering time:Spring
Garden uses:Avenues, Parks, Specimen
Garden styles:Alpine, Architectural, Backyard, City & Courtyard, Frontyard, Japanese, Mediterranean, Modern
Easy to grow?Yes
Maintenance requirementsLow
Growth rateMedium
Also known asPlatanus acerifolia Pyramidalis, Platanus x acerifolia Pyramidalis, London planetree, London Plane Sycamore, Platan Pyramidalis, Platanus Pyramidalis, Platanus hispanica Pyramidalis

Platanus acerifolia Pyramidalis Details

Platanus acerifolia Pyramidalis, commonly known as the London Planetree or Sycamore Tree, is a large, deciduous tree grown for its foliage and stature. The foliage is lush, dark green, and has that fresh look about it. As autumn progresses the leaves develop a golden colour before falling. It typically grows with a pyramidal shape to about 10 m tall and spread 4 m wide and can be trimmed as necessary. Best performance with this tree is achieved when planted in full sun on a well-drained site. It is tolerant of frost, cool climates, urban pollution, and moderate wind. Platanus acerifolia Pyramidalis is ideal for avenues, parks, as a shade tree, or growing as a specimen.

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