Shimidsu Sakura, Prunus serrulata Shimidsu Sakura, Prunus serrulata Shimidsu, Prunus Shimidsu, Shimidsu Sakura Cherry Tree, Flowering Cherry Shimidsu Sakura, Shimidsu, Cherry Shimidsu Sakura, Prunus Shimidsu Sakura Japanese Cherry
Prunus Shimidsu Sakura is a variety of Flowering Cherry that features masses of double, pink blossoms in spring which fade to white. These are held in large clusters on arching branches. This deciduous tree bears green foliage which develops orange and red tones in autumn before falling. It grows as a small and spreading tree to about 4 m tall and 3 m wide. Prunus Shimidsu Sakura is stunning when in flower and is commonly used in avenue plantings, grown as a specimen, added to a mixed planting, or planted around outdoor living areas.
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